Topic: SCSI interface with C
Date: Sat, 04 Jun 94 00:22:16 PDT Raw View
I hope this is the right place to post. But here goes. I have to run a tape
drive that is SCSI. Now, at first I was going to use Symantek's ThinkC for the
Macintosh because SCSI is standard and there is some SCSI functions that allow
you to send messages to the device and receive. Well, I am a Borland man, and
a PC man, and I would rather not use the Macintosh. I have Borand 4.0 C++ here
and I have a simple question that the tech support want a million dollars to
answer. Is there any SCSI functions in the Borland C++ 4.0 library?? If so,
can you tell me where they are and what their name is?? What include files do
Some tell me that in IBM, SCSI is not standard and so there would be no
funtions. Please help me. I hate to use that Macintosh. Well here's what I
have to do... I have a 10 tape cartridge player. I have the manual for it and
I know the addresses of each of the devices. I have to eject one tape when
it's finished and put it back into its slot. Any advice will be welcome. :)
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Joseph Romero
You can never learn too much . . .