Topic: Suggestion: Constructors without implicit type conversion

Author: (Bjarne Stroustrup)
Date: 25 May 94 17:57:50 GMT
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peters@phibm60c.Physik.Uni-Augsburg.DE (Peter Schmitteckert @ UniAugsburg) writes

 > I want to repeat a suggestion, I did in january, as I'm more experienced
 > in C++ now: "Constructors without implicit type conversion".


 > So I suggest a constructor !X
 > (similiar to ~X, "!" stands for no implicit type conversion)

 > class X
 > {  ....
 >    public :  !X(Type y) { ... };
 > }

 > to be a constructor without allowing implicit type conversions.

The problem has been noted and a roughly equivalent proposal has been
made and will be discussed in July.

 - Bjarne

Author: (John Max Skaller)
Date: Sat, 28 May 1994 14:10:24 GMT
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From: (Hallvard B Furuseth)
>>    class X {
>>     constructor X(int);
>>     constructor(int);
>>    };
>> These things do not do implicit conversions. Will that do?
>> (Note this is a proposal not an accepted resolution)
>Great, I've wanted unnamed constructors and destructors.  Is
> ~constructur();
>included too?

 Its named "destructor".

 Maxtal Pty Ltd,      CSERVE:10236.1703
        6 MacKay St ASHFIELD,     Mem: SA IT/9/22,SC22/WG21
        NSW 2131, AUSTRALIA

Author: (John Max Skaller)
Date: Tue, 24 May 1994 22:26:28 GMT
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In article <CqBKv3.M9H@Yuri.CC.Uni-Augsburg.DE> peters@phibm60c.Physik.Uni-Augsburg.DE (Peter Schmitteckert) writes:
>Hallole ,
>I want to repeat a suggestion, I did in january, as I'm more experienced
>in C++ now: "Constructors without implicit type conversion".

 Nathan Myers has a paper on it. The syntax is:

 class X {
  constructor X(int);

These things do not do implicit conversions. Will that do?
(Note this is a proposal not an accepted resolution)

 Maxtal Pty Ltd,      CSERVE:10236.1703
        6 MacKay St ASHFIELD,     Mem: SA IT/9/22,SC22/WG21
        NSW 2131, AUSTRALIA

Author: (Hallvard B Furuseth)
Date: 25 May 1994 10:57:52 GMT
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(Oops, wrong the first time.  Next try...)

In article <> (John Max Skaller) writes:
>    Nathan Myers has a paper on it. The syntax is:
>    class X {
>     constructor X(int);
>     constructor(int);
>    };
> These things do not do implicit conversions. Will that do?
> (Note this is a proposal not an accepted resolution)

Great, I've wanted unnamed constructors and destructors.  Is
included too?

Author: peters@phibm60c.Physik.Uni-Augsburg.DE (Peter Schmitteckert)
Date: Thu, 26 May 1994 14:21:11 GMT
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>  Nathan Myers has a paper on it. The syntax is:
> class X {
>   constructor X(int);
>   constructor(int);
> };
> These things do not do implicit conversions. Will that do?
> (Note this is a proposal not an accepted resolution)

If these are constructors which do no impicit conversions, then they're just
what I want.
Could someone add a little more information on this proposal, please.

Thanks in advance


Peter Schmitteckert  * Lehrstuhl fuer Theoret. Physik 2
Institut fuer Physik * D 86135 Uni Augsburg
Phone:  +49-821-5977-246
Fax:    +49-821-5977-262

Author: peters@phibm60c.Physik.Uni-Augsburg.DE (Peter Schmitteckert)
Date: Tue, 24 May 1994 18:33:03 GMT
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Hallole ,

I want to repeat a suggestion, I did in january, as I'm more experienced
in C++ now: "Constructors without implicit type conversion".

I'm aware that this topic has been discussed in other posts/proposols but
I'm still not satisfied. I also know that this feature is unnecessary, as one
can use NonConverting classes,i.e

template<class T> class NonConverting
{ private: T  value;
  public : NonConverting(T v) : value(v) {};
           operator T () { return value; };

But in my opinion the use of  NonConverting-classes just to prevent the
compiler to do implicit type conversion makes the source code harder to read.
Besides, I like to have "while();",  "do { } while();" and "for(..;..;..);"
loops, allthough i.e. the "for"-construct would be sufficient.

So I suggest a constructor !X
(similiar to ~X, "!" stands for no implicit type conversion)

class X
{  ....
   public :  !X(Type y) { ... };

to be a constructor without allowing implicit type conversions.
This should be easy to implement and hould not break existing code,
as I don't beleave that this syntax occurs to often in existing software.

Having both type of constructors ( with or without implicit type conversion)
one can decide to use the advantages of implicit type-conversion or not.

Regards Peter Schmitteckert

P.S. Please apollogize for insisting on this topic, but I'm living in the
     `C++-diaspora` of physicist and want to implement some advanced
     numerical classes. I really like source-code to be as readable as
     possible. Besides I have a lot `experience` with FORTRANs implicit

Peter Schmitteckert
Lehrstuhl fuer Theoret. Physik 2
Institut fuer Physik
D 86135 Uni Augsburg

Phone:  +49-821-5977-246
Fax:    +49-821-5977-262

Author: peters@phibm60c.Physik.Uni-Augsburg.DE (Peter Schmitteckert (Tel. 5977-246))
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 1994 20:01:05 GMT
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Hallo ,

some time ago I asked in comp.lang.c++ if there's a opportunity to
have one-argument constructors without implicit type conversion.

Author: (Damian Conway)
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 1994 02:24:12 GMT
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peters@phibm60c.Physik.Uni-Augsburg.DE (Peter Schmitteckert (Tel. 5977-246)) writes:

 > some time ago I asked in comp.lang.c++ if there's a opportunity to
 > have one-argument constructors without implicit type conversion. From
 > the answers I got I conclude that there is no way.

You didn't ask the right people then :-)

 > Wouldn't it be nice to have a contructor without implicit type
 > conversion ? I suggest a ctor !X (similiar to ~X, "!" stands for no
 > implicit type conversion)

 >  class X
 >  {  ....
 >    public :  !X(Type y) { ... };
 >  }

 > to be a constructor without allowing implicit type conversion.

You can already do what you want in C++, as it is.

I don't understand anti-commuting variables either, so consider this stack

/***** FixedStack.C ***********************************************************/

 class NonConvertingInt
  int value;
  NonConvertingInt(int v) : value(v) {}
  operator int (void) { return value; }

 class FixedStack
  int size;

  FixedStack(NonConvertingInt stacksize) : size(stacksize) {}

  FixedStack & operator= (const FixedStack & s) { return *this; }

  FixedStack s(100);
  s = 200;


Under g++, this code generates the following error message:

 FixedStack.C:27: bad argument 1 for function
         FixedStack::operator = (const class FixedStack&)
    (type was int )

Under cfront:

 "FixedStack.C", line 27: error: bad operand types FixedStack  int  for =


  who: Damian Conway                 email:
where: Dept. Computer Science        phone: +61-3-565-5184
       Monash University               fax: +61-3-565-5146
       Clayton 3168                  quote: "A pessimist is never disappointed."