Topic: BC 3.1 / ofstream help needed
Author: (Scott Fraley)
Date: Sat, 28 May 1994 03:12:26 GMT Raw View
Hello fellow developer(s),
My problem today is, I'm doing the following and its not working...
// open up the log file.
ofstream* pErrorOut = new ofstream;
pErrorOut->open( (char*)sLogFile, pErrorOut->ios::out, SH_DENYWR );
I'm pretty sure my 2nd & 3rd parameters are wrong, but I can't find a
good example of how to do this.
(Using Borland 3.1)
In the Borland help, it says..
void open(const char*, int, int = filebuf::openprot);
Opens a file for an ofstream.
ios::out has been binarily included (ORed) into the mode (2nd parameter)
by default to ensure the file is opened for writing.
Help also talks about the second parameter and mentions all of these 'ios'
members. I can't seem to find an example of this to save my life.
All I want to do, is open an output file, write a couple of lines to it, and
close the darn thing!
/--- | | | ----- /---\ /---\ |---- Scott Fraley
| | | | | | | (pref)
| \---/ |---\ ----- | \---\ |--- CI$: 71750,2173
| | | | | | | (no net mail to cis please)
\--- | |---/ ----- | \---/ | CyberSF@AOL.Com
Author: (Thomas Fjaestad Hagelien)
Date: 28 May 1994 14:27:25 GMT Raw View
Scott Fraley ( wrote:
: Hello fellow developer(s),
: My problem today is, I'm doing the following and its not working...
: // open up the log file.
: ofstream* pErrorOut = new ofstream;
: pErrorOut->open( (char*)sLogFile, pErrorOut->ios::out, SH_DENYWR );
: I'm pretty sure my 2nd & 3rd parameters are wrong, but I can't find a
: good example of how to do this.
Try this:
pErrorOut->open(sLogFile, ios::out);
that's it, and that's that, well almost. But this'll let you open an
output file and write to "the darn thing" as you put it :)
Like this f.ex.
pErrorOut << "Is this really working?\n";
Now, do something useful :)
- Thomas