Topic: [Q] Temporary persistence/type conversion

Author: (Robert Baruch)
Date: 26 May 1994 15:22:09 GMT
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  [ Please respond via e-mail, thanks ]

  I'm having a problem understanding the persistence of temporaries both
explicit and implicit via type conversion operations.

  First, let me tell you what I think the ARM says, and you can correct me
if I'm wrong.

  12.2 Temporary Objects says that when a temporary is created, you can either
copy it or bind a reference to it.  The moment you copy a temporary, the temporary
may be destroyed, and when you bind a reference to it, the temporary cannot be
destroyed until the reference is destroyed.

  So if I do this:


    class X

       void member_function(void);

    void foo(void)
       X x;

       x = X(1);  // temporary 1
          X& ref = X(2);  // temporary 2

          x = ref;
       }  // end of scope 2

       X(3).member_function(); // temporary 3

    }  // end of scope 1


Then temporary 1 can be destroyed immediately after it is copied, and
temporary 2 cannot be destroyed until scope 2 ends.  Further, the use of
temporary 3 is not guaranteed to work because it is neither copied nor bound
with a reference.  It is temporary 3 that I'm not sure my interpretation is
correct about.  And here's why I'm not certain:

12.3.2 Conversion Functions has a little example:


  class X

    operator int();

  class Y

    operator X();

  Y a;

  int b=a; // illegal: a.operator X().operator int() not tried

  int c = X(a); // ok: a.operator X().operator int()


That last line is evidence that functions can be called on temporaries, since
a.operator X() is a temporary, and operator int() is the function called on
that temporary.  That means that X(a), according to 12.2, either has its value
fetched or is bound by a reference.  Which is it, and why?

Now, another question is, if taking the address of a temporary is not binding
a reference to that temporary (i.e.  X* x = &X(2); x->member_function(); doesn't
work) then why does this work (or does it?):


  void foo(const X *x);



and if that works, then does that imply that this would also work:


Well, that's all for now.  If anyone can clear up the use of temporaries for me,
I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks much,
