Topic: FYI: new german book "Objekorientiertes Programmieren in C++
Author: (Nico Josuttis)
Date: 23 Apr 94 11:13:10 GMT Raw View
There are so many questions for C++ books, so it may be interesting
to know about a new C++ book that introduces in C++ in a tutorial
way from an object oriented point of view.
The book is:
Nicolai Josuttis
"Objekorientiertes Programmieren in C++"
Addison-Wesley Germany, 1994
ISBN 3-89319-637-4
It is for people that know C and want to learn C++.
I doesn't list language features but introduces them from
an object oriented approach and shows the goals of the new
keywords in a tutorial way.
It is up to date!
It includes templates, exception handling, type bool and so
on through the whole book (not separated as appendix chapters).
Also it give details about design penalties with inheritance,
design and use of class libs, and details of the I/O stream lib.
Nico address: BREDEX GmbH
email: Nicolai Josuttis
Fallersleber-Tor-Wall 23
phone: +49 531 24330-0 D-38100 Braunschweig
fax: +49 531 24330-99 Germany