Topic: A Constant Array of Constant Ints
Author: (John Max Skaller)
Date: Sun, 24 Apr 1994 23:14:27 GMT Raw View
In article <2ohhct$> (Paul Fitzpatrick) writes:
>How do you declare a constant array of constant ints?
>None of these options worked :
> const int SwitchValues[] ...
I think this was resolved at San Diego. You CANT HAVE
a const array -- it makes no sense, all arrays are immutable in vaccuo
because there are no operations you can do on an array other than convert
it to a pointer to the first element.
So the committee decided that your example case means
an array of const ints. In particular:
typedef int IntArray[2];
const IntArray x = {1,2}; // OK
int * px = x; // error, cant convert const int* to int*
I do not think an array element can ever be a constant expression,
which has very little to do with 'const'. A constant expression
includes "a const integral type initialised by a constant expression".
I dont believe an array can qualify. It would be absurd for
array elements to qualify:
const int n[2]= {1, sin(2) };
We just cant have 'n[0]' being a constant expression while
n[1] is not.
If you think this is complicated and silly, I agree. The committee
is reluctant to change the language to work the way it should,
which is to have a proper syntax for compile time constants:
define int x = 1;
As a result, its very hard to tell whats a constant expression
and what is not. Its so hard the definition in the ARM is wrong.
[Its a bit subtle: a good exercise in Standardese to find the problem
and fix it]
Maxtal Pty Ltd, CSERVE:10236.1703
6 MacKay St ASHFIELD, Mem: SA IT/9/22,SC22/WG21
Author: (Paul Fitzpatrick)
Date: 13 Apr 1994 19:32:45 GMT Raw View
How do you declare a constant array of constant ints?
I was trying to do this :
int SwitchVals[] = { 12345, 1435, 1567 };
switch (Value) {
case SwitchVals[0] :
case SwitchVals[1] :
... And so on. The compiler complains (correctly) that the case
statement needs a constant expression. However, I can't seem to find
out how to tell the compiler that this array will never change, and so
is really constant.
None of these options worked :
const int SwitchValues[] ...
int const SwitchValues[] ...
typedef const int cint;
cint SwitchValues[];
Any Ideas?
Author: (David Sachs)
Date: 14 Apr 1994 17:10:50 -0500 Raw View (Paul Fitzpatrick) writes:
>How do you declare a constant array of constant ints?
>I was trying to do this :
>int SwitchVals[] = { 12345, 1435, 1567 };
>switch (Value) {
> case SwitchVals[0] :
> ...
> case SwitchVals[1] :
>... And so on. The compiler complains (correctly) that the case
>statement needs a constant expression. However, I can't seem to find
>out how to tell the compiler that this array will never change, and so
>is really constant.
>None of these options worked :
> const int SwitchValues[] ...
> int const SwitchValues[] ...
> typedef const int cint;
> cint SwitchValues[];
> Any Ideas?
An array element value is NOT a compile time constant. What you
could do is something like:
const int SwitchVals1 = 12345;
const int SwitchVals2 = 1435;
const int SwitchVals3 = 1567;
int SwitchVals[] = { SwitchVals1, SwitchVals2, SwitchVals3 };
case SwitchVals1:
I think this should be accepted, but am not sure.