Topic: Project / Proposal

Author: (B M Small)
Date: 9 Apr 1994 12:10:03 -0400
Raw View
  The following message is not generated nor endorsed by The     Free Software
Foundation and the poster is in no way   associated with the above mentioned
organization with the   exception that he believes in the ideas set forth in
the GNU   Copyleft and the concept of "Free" software as described in   same.

Please redistribute this message far and wide to all whom you feel would be
interested in this project...

I'd like to make the following proposal with solicitation for lots and lots of
help on a project that I feel would benefit all the world of programmers with
specific emphasis on those of us operating within the PC arena even more
specifically OS/2.

I propose a GUI Application framework:

It should be compileable under GNU/C++ and optionally under other C++
compilers, but I'd like to start with GNU/C++ as the standard. I'd like it to
be able to generate OS/2 PM applications with a design such that other 32bit
GUI's like X-Windows, NT/Chicago/Cairo?, etc. Could also be generated from the
same source code.

It should be designed with useability, portability, functionality and good
encapsulation in mind. It should take from all of the current ideas successes
and avoid all of their respective failures. In other words, I am not looking
for a knock-off of IBM UICL, ObjectPM, OWL, MFC, X-Windows toolkit or
AppWare(all of which are copyrighted by their respective owners). All of these
are good in their own sence, but everyone will admit that none of them is

It should have an eye for the future such that
internationalization/localization could be handled easily. Things such as
multimedia and device independant graphics should also be handles. Possibly
also GUI's for the nongraphical text oriented applications should also be
handled too.

I believe that this will entail quite a bit of work and programming hours, but
with a little fleshing out of the ideas; and if the right people to get
involved little by little this could be a wonderful programming tool that
anyone would be happy to use.

Anyone with any ideas, suggestions, or wishlist items please E-MAIL them to me.

Anyone interested in being a part of this project please respond with:

  1. list of your qualifications (Class designer, Technical Writer, PM Expert
etc...) I'm not looking for a resume, just tell me what you are good at.

  2. and a brief synopsis of what you feel this project could accomplish.
(Looking for like-minded individuals to be able to share a similar dream).

  3. how much time you feel that you could reasonably contribute.

  4. a short equipment list (what you use regularly and what you have access

  5. your personal contact information: Name, E-Mail address, optionally your
Phone Number and address, and whether or not you want your information given to
others that finally become part of the group.

  6. your proposed name for the project

via E-Mail to

  B M Small
Snail Mail
  Bradley Small
  313 Holt Ave.
  Greensboro, NC 27405-7426