Author: (Bob Dell 1)
Date: 13 Mar 1994 13:19:01 -0500 Raw View
This is an inquiry asking for HELP in programming. I have a macintosh 2vx and
the following development systems. Think c, Think Pascal, MPW Pascal, MPW c,
MPW c++, MPW assembler. Please give me a source code for a program that has a
dialog box that can do the following: 1) have 2 buttons that go to 2 differant
empty procedures,
2) has a text box that has a scroll bar, 3) has a menu bar that goes to
differant procedures,
4) has a up/down arrow box next to a number feild so I can increment or
decrement the number in the feild,
5) uses either resources or manualy written menus/dialogs, 6) does NOT use
classes as I don't know how
to use classes. This source should be commented for instructional purposes. I
know Pascal VERY WELL
and I'm trying to learn c.
Please Help Me
Robert R. Dell (bob dell 1)