Topic: Poor man's C++" macros: where are they?

Author: (Vincenzo Romano)
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 94 18:12:48 GMT
Raw View
Hi all!
Some time ago a friend of mine told me about something called "Poor man's
C++", a set of C macros to emulate the C++ language.
I'd have liked to give a look to them but I was not able to find them on the
Are they available in a PD/SW form?
If so, where can I find them?
Thanks in advance!

Vincenzo "Enzo" Romano    .---------------------------------------.  |   If there's a solution, why worry?   |     | If there's NOT a solution, why worry? |

Author: (Chris Vale)
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 1994 06:13:52 GMT
Raw View
>>>>> "Vincenzo" == Vincenzo Romano <> writes:
In article <> (Vincenzo Romano) writes:

Hi, I think what you want is actually called COPS. I don't know of any
site on the net, but then I haven't looked recently. I do know that
Austin Code Works sells this with source but that doesn't mean that
its not freely available, just try archie

    Vincenzo> Hi all!  Some time ago a friend of mine told me about
    Vincenzo> something called "Poor man's C++", a set of C macros to
    Vincenzo> emulate the C++ language.  I'd have liked to give a look
    Vincenzo> to them but I was not able to find them on the Net.  Are
    Vincenzo> they available in a PD/SW form?  If so, where can I find
    Vincenzo> them?  Thanks in advance!

    Vincenzo> -- Vincenzo "Enzo" Romano
    Vincenzo> .---------------------------------------.
    Vincenzo> | If there's a solution, why
    Vincenzo> worry?  | | If there's NOT a
    Vincenzo> solution, why worry? |
    Vincenzo> `---------------------------------------'
Chris Vale                       | "Outside a dog, a book is mans best freind                 |  Inside a dog, it's too dark to read"
                                 |                     Groucho Marx