Topic: Polymorphism/Dynamic-Binding in C++/SmallTalk
Author: (Medikonda Muralidhar)
Date: 16 Mar 1994 23:06:20 GMT Raw View
I had a basic question on issues regarding polymorphism and dynamic
binding in C++/Smalltalk:
How exactly is polymorphism/dynamic binding resolved at runtime?
Suppose I have class B inheriting from class A, and class C inheriting
from B. All the three classes have a definition of a method, say x().
I create an instance variable
A * aa; // in C++
and then use it to send a message to x()
at runtime, how is it resolved based on the type? Is type of aa first
checked with the type of A, and then B, and then C?? or is it done in
any other way, like having a table or whatever? I need information
regarding the actual design of runtime resolution.
Please reply to Your help is greatly
Thank you,