Topic: const int?

Author: (John Max Skaller)
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 1994 23:22:33 GMT
Raw View
In article   writes:
>From: ( Mayan Moudgill)
>Subject: Static Const Members...
>Message-ID: <>
>Organization: Cornell Univ. CS Dept, Ithaca NY 14853
>Date: Mon, 7 Feb 1994 14:19:45 GMT
>Lines: 25
>Consider the following construct:
>   class A {
>   public:
>      static const int x;
>   };
>   const int A::x = 30;
>Now, is A::x a const int, or a static int that happens to be unchangeable?
>The reason I'm asking is that I can use it like  a const int. Thus I
>can use it to do something like the following, in global scope (using
>cfront 3.0.2):
>    int foo[A::x];
>However, if I try to define it twice (by say declaring it in a .H file, and
>including the .H file twice), cfront 3.0.2 gives a multiply-definded error.
>So, what is the correct behavior? I'm confused, and I couldn't find anything
>in the ARM to indicate which view is correct.

 You're confusing 'const int' with "constant expression".
But in this case, the ARM is confused too: the rules for
constant expressions are inadequate. The intent is clearly that
a const integral type initialised by a constant expression is a constant
expression ***provided the initialiser is visible***. That last
bit should have been said but wasnt.

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