Topic: Help on Text editor in C++

Date: 21 Feb 1994 18:59:51 GMT
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   I'm fairly new to programming in general, let alone C...
   So I've decided to make text editor....
     Can anyone help me.... this is what I've got so far... (It's just an example)
       #include <stdio.h>

       char input[81], *ptr;
            puts("Enter text a line at a time, then press Enter.");
            puts("Enter a blank line when done.");

             /* loop */
             while ( *(ptr = gets(input)) != NULL)
                   printf(" You entered %s\n", input);

             puts(" Okay....");

   I need help in load & saving files (using dos.h) and edit commands...

_ ___________________________
| Dennis j. Cox                     |         * DogBoy ... Yeah Buddy
| College of Arts & Sciences  |          * if It Wasn't for ramen i'd strave
| Technical Support             |             * C is like Sex... Sometimes You get a girl you
| Univeristy of North Texas   |                can't compile
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