Topic: C++ task handling classes

Author: (Eric Favre)
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 1994 07:40:32 GMT
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With the IBM C++ compiler (xlC) comes a task handling class library,
that allows to create and manage tasks.
Before using these classes I would like to know if they are
'standard' (I'm looking for portability across multiprocess operating
systems like UNIX), and, if it isn't so, I would like to know if it's
possible to have the source of the library.



Eric Favre,
University of Geneva
Voice   : ++
Fax     : ++41.22.347.33.34
Address :
  Department of Physiology
  1, rue Michel-Servet
  CH - 1211 Geneva 4

Author: (Pascual Juan)
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 1994 13:21:42 GMT
Raw View
In article <>, (Eric Favre) writes:
|> With the IBM C++ compiler (xlC) comes a task handling class library,
|> that allows to create and manage tasks.
|> Before using these classes I would like to know if they are
|> 'standard' (I'm looking for portability across multiprocess operating
|> systems like UNIX), and, if it isn't so, I would like to know if it's
|> possible to have the source of the library.
|> Thanks.
|>  Eric

C++ compilers provided by HP and SUN are really versions of C-Front. Both
of them ofer AT&T C++ Lang System library, where Complex Arithmetic,
Clases for Co-routine and the very Iostreams are discussed.

Co-routine library describes clases like task, queue, qhead, qtail, clock
and timer. I just know they exist, I've never programmed with them, but
you can find more information in "AT&T C++ Lang System library Manual",
chapter two, that quotes a paper by Bjarne Stroustrup and Jonathan E.
Sophiro. The one I own is almost Jurasic (it is copyrighted 1989 by AT&T),
and I would like to know if its interface is part of the standard
co-routines library, if any.
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----------------------------( /--( /----^--------------------------------------
    __     _            |    / ) / )          Pascual Juan
   /  )/| ( ) /, | /    |   (_/ (_/   E-mail:
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 /   /  |(_//  ) /      |                Phone: +34-1-337-47-04
                        |                fax:   +34-1-337-42-22