Topic: what's the status of "delete this"?
Author: gord@nmx701.uucp (Gordan Palameta)
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 1994 16:57:43 GMT Raw View
I know this has been discussed before, but it's not in the FAQ.
Has the standards committee decided if it will be legal to call
"delete this"?
If not yet decided, is it "reasonable" in a broader sense to expect
that it will work with most implementations?
I know this is vague, but... one of our developers would like to adopt
the paradigm of calling "delete this" as the final statement in a
member function. What I'd really like is some assurance that this
code won't need to be rewritten in the future.
Gordan Palameta (416) 979-7700 x134 Numetrix Ltd. Suite 1700 (416) 979-7559 fax 655 Bay St. Toronto, Ont. M5G 2K4