Topic: Microsoft Visual C++ compiler bug?
Author: (Stuart MacMartin)
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 1994 13:54:37 GMT Raw View
In article <> (Stuart Cracraft) writes:
>While using Microsoft Visual C++ Professional version 1.00
>with Microsoft Windows 3.1, I've come across an apparent bug.
>An existing set of software, that compiled properly, suddenly
>begins giving the error:
> cpp2.msc : internal compiler error
>The only way I've found to fix this is to reinstall all 20+
>diskettes of the C++ compiler. When this was done, the same
>software compiles flawlessly.
>What's up Microsoft? Do I get a free upgrade due to such a bad
>Stuart Cracraft
(Are all MS users named Stuart?)
I have hit a similar error many times. The only difference is that
mine says cpp1.msc. It seems to be an out of memory problem.
If I build again, it usually goes away. I only have 4Mb of real memory,
(my last personal computer was an Apple ][+ which I eventually expanded
to 64K, so I thought 4Mb was lots) and my hard disk is running all the time.
If I have AppStudio up when I build, I often get this error.
Once I thought it was not having a return at the end of a file, but
I think this was a red herring. I suspect the problem would have gone
away with the recompile anyway.
Ditto for the link error.
Ditto for the hard disk failure. (except for this one you have to
turn off your machine and do a cold start).
== Stuart MacMartin UniCAD Canada Ltd.
== Standard disclaimers apply
Author: (Stuart Cracraft)
Date: 22 Jan 1994 15:42:21 GMT Raw View
While using Microsoft Visual C++ Professional version 1.00
with Microsoft Windows 3.1, I've come across an apparent bug.
An existing set of software, that compiled properly, suddenly
begins giving the error:
cpp2.msc : internal compiler error
The only way I've found to fix this is to reinstall all 20+
diskettes of the C++ compiler. When this was done, the same
software compiles flawlessly.
What's up Microsoft? Do I get a free upgrade due to such a bad
Stuart Cracraft