Author: (Bart van Tongeren)
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1993 10:02:02 GMT
Raw View
Will the forthcoming ANSI/ISO C++ standard require compilers to
define a name like __STDCPLUSPLUS__ ?

In that case it would make some sense to write code like this:

 #ifndef __STDCPLUSPLUS__

 typedef int bool;
 const bool false = 0, true = 1;


Thanks, Bart.
                                - = * = -
* Bart van Tongeren                                      Lorentzweg 1 *
| Technical University of Delft                         2628 CJ Delft |
| Applied Physics Department, Spin Imaging Group      The Netherlands |
| email  voice +31-15-784059  fax +31-15-624978 |