Topic: Help needed regarding friend !
Author: hsssed@jabba (BELDONA, SRINATH)
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1993 10:48:00 GMT Raw View
Hello world,
I have a little experiance in C++. I have the following problem.
I have a class called GTS which is a derived class TAB. GTS contains a private
member as
symbol* stack[STACK_SIZE]; and int sppointer which serves
as an index into the stack.
TAB is an abstract class.
class TAB {
symbol* stack[STACK_SIZE];
int sppointer;
class GTS : public TAB {
private :
symbol* stack[STACK_SIZE];
int sppointer;
friend class list;
void set_stack();
void update_stack();
void update_abc();
The friend class looks like this.
class list {
void set_stack();
void update_stack();
The function set_stack() in GTS will call the function set_stack() of list
which sets the sppointer of GTS to say e.g 99.
Then the function update_abc() of GTS will create an object say PQR and
puts the address of PQR onto the stack. So it is supposed to put the
address in stack[99], but when I check for the sppointer value it was
showing 0, though it was set to 99 by the friend list.
I am not able to trace the problem.
Could any one help me, please ?
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