Topic: Call for O-O Papers
Author: (Stan Moyer)
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1993 21:23:25 GMT Raw View
A session entitled, "Object-Oriented Technologies and Applications for
Data and Telecommunications" is being organized for Globecom '94. The
session is sponsored by the IEEE Communications Software Technical
Committee. If you are interested in this topic, please submit a paper
for this session. (Please note that the papers are refereed and
acceptance is not guaranteed).
Papers for this session could discuss the object-oriented designs or
implementations of:
- Network Operating Systems
- Network Management
- Data Communications (Internet Protocols)
- Call Control Protocols
- Connection Management (or Control) or Protocols
- Service Creation and/or Management
- Intelligent Networks
- Network Software Architectures
Discussions could include:
- Analysis Technique(s) used
- Advantages (or disadvantages) of using OO
- Lessons learned
- Reusability achieved?
- Extensibility achieved?
When submitting the paper to Globecom '94, please direct it to the
Communications Software TPC and the Object-Oriented Hot Topic. More
information on Globecom '94 and the submission process can be found
Please forward a copy of this message to anyone you think might be
Thanks and if you have any questions, please contact either of the
following people:
Stan Moyer
<>; Bellcore, MRE-2A219;
445 South Street, Morristown, NJ 07960-6438
voice: +201.829.4923; fax: +201.829.5888
Keiichi Koyanagi
<>; NTT, 9-11, Midori-Cho 3-Chome
Musashino-Shi, Tokyo 180 Japan
voice: +81 422 59 4139; fax: +89 422 59 2042
November 27 - December 1, 1994
San Francisco, California, USA
Complete manuscript due: February 12, 1994
Notification of acceptance mailed: June 1, 1994
Camera-ready manuscript due: August 1, 1994
Instructions for Submitting Papers:
The title page of your submission must include the name,
complete return address, telephone, telex and fax numbers of the
author to whom all correpsondence will be sent, a 100 word abstract
and the designation of the technical topic (Communications Software
TPC) to which the paper is most closely related. All other pages
should be marked with the title of the paper and the name of the first
author. Send six double-spaced copies of the manuscript (limited to
3,000 words) in English to:
Dr. Dale Harris, GLOBECOM '94
Center for Telecommunications, P.O. Box P
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94309
Telephone: (415) 725-9868
Fax: (415) 725-7126
Stan Moyer
<>; Bellcore, MRE-2A219;
445 South Street, Morristown, NJ 07960-6438
voice: +201.829.4923; fax: +201.829.5888