Topic: Is this valid C++ code ? Please help.
Author: (Abed M. Hammoud)
Date: 2 Dec 1993 17:14:53 GMT Raw View
Is this a valid C++ code. I would like to use some thing like that
so I can define a class that suppost multidimesnsional arrays.
I am using g++ 2.5.3 on a sun-sparc station.
#include <iostream.h>
template <class T, int dim>
class A {
T getSomthing();
int xxx;
template <class T, int dim>
A<T, 1>::A(int x) : xxx(x) {cout << "Hello this is 1" << endl; }
template <class T, int dim>
A<T, 2>::A(int x) : xxx(x) {cout << "Hello this is 2" << endl; }
template <class T, int dim>
A<T, 1>::~A() {cout << "Bye this is 1" << endl; }
template <class T, int dim>
A<T, 2>::~A() {cout << "Bye this is 2" << endl; }
template<class T, int dim>
T A<T, 1>::getSomething() { return xxx; }
template<class T, int dim>
T A<T, 2>::getSomething() { return xxx * xxx; }
main() {
A<float, 1> BB(1);
cout << BB.getSomething() << endl;
A<double, 1> CC(1);
cout << CC.getSomething() << endl;