Topic: Anyone get this incorrect posting to comp.std.c++?

Author: (Joseph Heiser)
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1993 21:33:55 GMT
Raw View
Subject: Info wanted about card with AMD 97C960 chip
One of my users just pointed out this article that showed up in this group. Did
anyone else see this original article:
Please send e-mail if you can to


Joe Heiser - "Just a sysop trying to make sure things are running smoothly"

In article, (Peter Brouwer) writes:
>I bought a ethernet card in a garage sale and of course there was no
>documentation with it. The card has the following appearance:
>( ratio width/height is not realistic )
>   +---------------------------------------------------+
>   |        +---------+  +------+             +-+      | LED
>   |        | BUS-0509|  | 20Mhz|    BFT-22   | |    --|
>   |        |GROUP-TEK|  +------+    GROUP-TEK| |    | | T connector
>   |        |  9226   |              9226     +-+    +-+
>   |        +---------+                                |
>   |    +-----------+      +--------+     +-+        +-+
>   |    | (Boot) Rom|      |        |     | |        | | Tick ethernet
>   |    | Socket    |      | AMD    |     | |        | |
>   |    +-----------+      |79C960  |     +-+        +-+
>   |        +--------+     +--------+    PT100-05B     |
>   |        | 74LS288|                   GROUP-TEK     |
>   |        +--------+                   9206 +-------+|
>   |    DRQ      DACK                         |8392   |+---+
>   |    3567     3567                         +-------++---+ COAX
>   |    ::::     ::::                                  |
>   |                       23457101215     ROMIO       |
>   |                  IRQ  :::::: : :      :  ::       |
>   + --+          +-+                                +-+
>    |__________| |________________________________|
>       ISA Connector
>The card has a proffesional layout and is manufactured in taiwan.
>Who can give me info about the jumpers ( IO) and other technical info, like
>what kind of drivers do I use for for instance Linux.
>Who has or can point me to test SW for this card.
>Linux does recognize the card but generates transmitter timeout error messages.
>Any help is appreciated.
>Regards, Peter Brouwer                 /\_/\
>                 (0 0)
># Digital Equipment Enterprise,        / WorkGroup Systems, Office Product Set
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