Topic: c++ class library question
Author: (Kevin M. Haney)
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1993 21:11:57 GMT Raw View
I'm involved in a development project where we have some modules we're coding
in Microsoft C++ under Windows 3.1 which would be very useful if they were
easily portable to a Vax/VMS environment. I've examined the Vax C++ SPD from
Digital, but it's not clear whether there's any similarity at all between
Microsoft's Foundation Class libraries and the Vax C++ class libraries, except
in the obvious areas like stream I/O, and even there it's hard to be sure. Does
anyone have any experience with both these compilers, and if so, can I expect
to find things like Microsoft's serialization features for CObject and CObList
classes in the VAX C++ libraries? I've scanned briefly through the GNU C++
libraries and didn't find anything there either. Any info along these lines
would be greatly appreciated.
Bo McIlvain.
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