Topic: C++ on the World Wide Web [regular posting]
Author: (Marcus Speh)
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1993 18:11:12 GMT Raw View
[This is a regular posting to C++ discussion groups - usually posted
monthly, but there have been too many updates lately...]
New items since last posting [Nov 12 '93] ordered by time of update:
* Comparing Eiffel with C++ ["Getting Start(l)ed" page]
* Planned GNA Internet Course on C++ [front page]
* Newsgroups: FAQ for hepnet.lang.c++ ["Newsgroups" page]
* Many interesting papers on GUIs and C++ Library building ["Packages"]
* Booklist updated ["Getting Start(l)ed" page]
* STING service from CERN [front page]
* wxWindows--GUI C++ toolkit with *beautiful* HTML doc ["Packages"]
* TeX2RFT--a LaTeX to RTF/WinHelp RTF/HTML converter ["Packages"]
* OO Graphics Survey from Leeds [front page]
* This hierarchy entered the W3catalog!
* STING glossary of SE terms [front page]
* New, enhanced cc-mode (beta) for Emacs/Epoch/Lemacs ["Editing" page]
* Book list for de.comp.lang.c++ [in German, "Getting Start(l)ed" page]
* C++ Products List and Description (v2.05) [front page]
* C++ on the World Wide Web
FYI, there is a wealth of information on C++ available on the World Wide
Web [WWW], a distributed HyperText system (a network of documents
connected by links which can be activated electronically).
Especially for readers of hepnet.lang.c++, the link "Newsgroups" leads
to an edited list of messages from hepnet.lang.c++, archived at the freeHEP
information server and the FAQ for this group.
* How to Get to the Web
If you have a WWW browser up and running, try going to
and look for "C++" in the panel which appears. The precise URL is
If you have no clue what WWW is, you can go over the Internet with
which brings you to the WWW Home Page at CERN. You are now using the
simple line mode browser. To move around the Web, enter the number
given after an item. To go to the C++ documents, enter
This is what you should see now:
* What you will see there
Recent changes [1]--Mail additions to this list to <>
Getting Start(l)ed[2] Documents and sources on C++[3] and OOP[4]
Editing[5] Customizable environment for Emacs editors
Course[6] Planned GNA[7] Internet course on C++
Newsgroups[8] Internet groups for discussions and questions on C++
Packages[9] Freely available C++ packages from various
application areas. The C++ Products List and
Parallel[11] Summaries on C++ classes for implementing data
parallel variables
Standards[12] Discussion of C++ Language Extensions. See also
FreeHEP software information[14] and reviews[15] from
freeHEP[16] [FAQ[17]]
OOLP[18] Discussion on Object-Oriented Literate Programming
General OO Object-Oriented Information[19] Sources from
CUI/Switzerland. Searchable Sofware Engineering
glossary and news from STING[20] at CERN. OO Graphics
Survey[21] from Leeds
[[Now you can continue climbing down the documentation tree by
entering numbers 1-21 and follow your own interests]]
* More on Browsing the Web
A very nice way of "browsing" through WWW uses X-browsers like "tkWWW" or
"NCSA Mosaic". For the latter, binaries for many platforms (ready for use)
and sources are available via anonymous FTP from in
directory Web/Mosaic-binaries.
The general FTP repository for browser software is
(including a hypertext browser/editor for NeXTStep 3.0).
If you cannot go through TELNET, you can still retrieve WWW
documents by e-mail: send a mail to with a
line in it saying just
to get back detailed instructions. Your mail system must have a
mail gateway to the internet mail.
* Contact for Further Information
Please feel free to contact me for questions, suggestions and further
contributions, or just to tell me whether you found this information
useful in any way.
For questions related to WWW, consult the WWW-FAQ: it is available
via anonymous FTP from in directory
pub/usenet/news.answers/www-faq, or on WWW at URL
Enjoy. Nov 21, 1993
Marcus Speh, II.Inst.Theor.Physik,Luruper Chaussee 149, 22761 Hamburg,Germany
Phone: +49-40 8998 2178, Fax: +49-40 8998 2267, Private: +49-40 801392
Email: <> <> <>
Author: (Marcus Speh)
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1993 13:20:46 GMT Raw View
[[This is a regular posting to C++ discussion groups --
note change in the document's addresses after November 10!]]
* C++ on the World Wide Web
FYI, there is a wealth of information on C++ available on the World Wide
Web [WWW], a distributed HyperText system (a network of documents
connected by links which can be activated electronically).
Especially for readers of hepnet.lang.c++, the link "Newsgroups" leads
to an edited list of messages from hepnet.lang.c++, archived at the freeHEP
information server.
* How to Get to the Web
If you have a WWW browser up and running, try going to
and look for "C++" in the panel which appears. The precise URL is
If you have no clue what WWW is, you can go over the Internet with
which brings you to the WWW Home Page at CERN. You are now using the
simple line mode browser. To move around the Web, enter the number
given after an item. To go to the C++ documents, enter
This is what you should see now:
* What you will see there
Recent changes [1]--Mail additions to this list to <>
Getting Informed[2] Documents and sources on C++[3] and OOP[4]
Libraries[5] Available C++ libraries from various application
Newsgroups[6] Internet groups for discussions and questions on C++
Standards[7] Discussion of C++ Language Extensions
Editing[8] Customizable environment for Emacs editors
freeHEP software information[9] and reviews[10] from
freeHEP[11] [FAQ[12]]
OOLP[13] Discussion on Object-Oriented Literate Programming
Parallel[14] Summaries on C++ classes for implementing data
parallel variables
General OO[15] Object-Oriented Information Sources from
[[Now you can continue climbing down the documentation tree by
entering numbers 1-15 and follow your own interests]]
* More on Browsing the Web
The by far nicest way of "browsing" through WWW uses the X-Terminal
based tool "NCSA Mosaic". Binaries for many platforms (ready for use)
and sources are available via anonymous FTP from in
directory Web/Mosaic-binaries.
The general FTP repository for browser software is
(including a hypertext browser/editor for NeXTStep 3.0).
If you cannot go through TELNET, you can still retrieve WWW
documents by e-mail: send a mail to with a
line in it saying just
to get back detailed instructions. Your mail system must have a
mail gateway to the internet mail.
* Contact for Further Information
Please feel free to contact me for questions, suggestions and further
contributions, or just to tell me whether you found this information
useful in any way.
For questions related to WWW, consult the WWW-FAQ: it is available
via anonymous FTP from in directory
pub/usenet/news.answers/www-faq, or on WWW at URL
Enjoy. Nov 11-93
Marcus Speh, II.Inst.Theor.Physik,Luruper Chaussee 149, 22761 Hamburg,Germany
Phone: +49-40 8998 2178, Fax: +49-40 8998 2267, Private: +49-40 801392
Internet: <>, <>
Author: (Marcus Speh)
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1993 08:37:15 GMT Raw View
[This is a regular posting to C++ discussion groups]]
* C++ on the World Wide Web
FYI, there is a wealth of information on C++ available on the World Wide
Web [WWW], a distributed HyperText system (a network of documents
connected by links which can be activated electronically).
Especially for readers of hepnet.lang.c++, the link "Newsgroups" leads
to an edited list of messages from hepnet.lang.c++, archived at the freeHEP
information server.
* How to Get to the Web
If you have a WWW browser up and running, try going to
(this brings you to the DESY home page), and look for "C++" in the
panel which appears. The precise URL is
If you have no clue what WWW is, you can go over the Internet with
which brings you to the WWW Home Page at CERN. You are now using the
simple line mode browser. To move around the Web, enter the number
given after an item. To go to the C++ documents, enter
This is what you should see now:
* What you will see there
Getting Informed[1] Documents and sources on C++[2] and OOP[3]
Libraries[4] Available C++ libraries from various
application areas
Newsgroups[5] Internet groups for discussions and questions
on C++
Standards[6] Discussion of C++ Language Extensions
Editing[7] Customizable environment for Emacs editors
freeHEP software information[8] and reviews[9] from
OOLP[11] Discussion on Object-Oriented Literate
General OO[12] Object-Oriented Information Sources from CUI
[[Now you can continue climbing down the documentation tree by
entering numbers 1-12 and follow your own interests]]
* More on Browsing the Web
The by far nicest way of "browsing" through WWW uses the X-Terminal
based tool "NCSA Mosaic". Binaries for many platforms (ready for use)
and sources are available via anonymous FTP from in directory Web/xmosaic.
The general FTP repository for browser software is
(including a hypertext browser/editor for NeXTStep 3.0).
If you cannot go through TELNET, you can still retrieve WWW
documents by e-mail: send a mail to with a
line in it saying just
to get back detailed instructions. Your mail system must have a
mail gateway to the internet mail.
* Contact for Further Information
Please feel free to contact me for questions, suggestions and further
contributions, or just to tell me whether you found this information
useful in any way.
For questions related to WWW, consult the WWW-FAQ: a draft of
this text will soon be available via anonymous FTP from
in directory pub/usenet/news.answers/www-faq, or on WWW at URL
The author, sends an email copy upon request.
Aug 6-93 Marcus Speh / E-mail: [internet]
13313::speh [decnet]
i02msp@dhhdesy3 [bitnet]