Topic: Copy in C++
Author: (John Williams)
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 93 21:57:42 PST Raw View
Hi, I've been working on getting a copy command working from C++ for an
installation sort of program. No problem if I'm copying one file. But I
want to copy ALL the files without knowing their names! I try using
fat's findfirst, findnext, which will find my file properly but now, how
do I add the pathname to that file? For instance, If I am ON b: and I:
findfirst etc etc
that will open the file, I then read a character and write it to:
problem meaning I need to copy to c:\whatever\ff.ff_blk how oh how? I
try appending strings but I cant get the damn things working because
they have to be pointers and they have to be changed everytime findnext
file funct operates! If you help thenk you! If not, thankz for taking
the time to read.. JW