Author: cfalk@engr.UVic.CA (Chris Falk)
Date: Sat, 9 Oct 93 02:29:14 GMT Raw View
I am trying to create a certain file structure in a program I am writing using Borland's Turbo C++. I am quite familiar with the various libraries and stream structure of I/O with C and C++ (Or maybe I'm not and that's my problem!) Using Pascal, I could always use the "File of" statement to create a file of a user defined record. The file was always stored in binary format, and numerical values were all hidden to the "type" command in DOS. I want to do this in C++!!
I know that binary files can be created in C and C++, but all I seem to end up with is text files(i.e. no characters are written in binary at all) with no end of lines. Should the extraction (<<) and insertion (>>) operators of fstream.h be modified to handle my structs, or what? Your assistance will be greeted with dancing and screaming.
Chris Falk
2nd Year (That means I know nothing.)
Electrical Engineering, University of Victoria
"It's weird out there, man."
-Former President George Bush
Email: cfalk@engr.UVic.CA