Topic: Data Structures for C++ debugging information?

Author: (Ronald F. Guilmette)
Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1993 18:29:11 GMT
Raw View
In article <292jnp$> (Jim Bernatowicz) writes:
>Hello.  Does there exist a document outlining the information re-
>quired  to  implement a C++ debugger?  Such information would en-
>code the symbol table, and all sorts of mappings between  program
>components in the source code to the corresponding offsets in the
>generated object code.
>I've already read the Stabs  document  packaged  with  GDB.   The
>chapter describing C debugging information appears to be complete
>and easy to understand for C, but the C++  chapter  has  not  yet
>been  finished.   If  relevant  documents  exist on the net or in
>print, please send E-mail with the location or title.

DWARF is the debugging information format used on all System V
Release 4 systems.

A number of large firms in the industry (e.g. Intel, Motorola, IBM,
Microsoft, and many others) have recently "endorsed" DWARF (in one
way or another).

An industry review draft of the DWARF version 2 specification is now
available in PostScript(tm) format.  Send me mail if you want a copy.

P.S.  The DWARF V2 debugging information format provides complete support
for C, C++, Fortran 77, Fortran 90, Pascal, and (it is believed) a number
of other related functional languages.

P.P.S.  DWARF V2 stands alone as the only comprehensive and detailed
specification of anything approaching an "industry standard" format for
encoding symbolic debugging information for the C++ language.


-- Ronald F. Guilmette ------------------------------------------------------
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