Topic: ANNOUNCEMENT: C/C++ SIG meeting

Author: (Daniel Kahn)
Date: 31 Aug 1993 16:46:57 -0400
Raw View
8/31/93 notice: `C++ and C SIG' Meetings

page 1     Sept. 2 General Meeting: Symantec 32 bit C++
page 2     October 7 (Stan Lippman) and November 4 (Borland C++) meetings
page 3     Study Groups Index (4 groups)
page 4     Monthly calendars for September and October

------------ page 1  8/31/93  C++ and C SIG  Sept. 2 General Meeting

Topic:         Symantec 32bit C++
               > Capabilities, 16 and 32bit code, in Windows and DOS
               > Live demo: building a Multi-Media application
               > Development Environment (IDE), including:
                 debugger (based on Multi-Scope) and C++ editor

When:          Thursday, September 2, 1993

6:15 -         Panel Discussion on C++ Resources
   7:15 pm     Summaries of available compilers, books, network
               discussion groups, favorite software tools, ...

7:15 - 7:45    Announcements, Q&A

7:45 - 9:15    Main presentation by Symantec
               Allen Bannon, Product Manager of Development Tools
               flying to our meeting from Cupertino, CA

Doorprizes     (2) copies of Symantec 32bit C++ plus other items.
               Also, special discount coupons will be distributed to all.

Location       New York University (NYU) Main building, room 703.
               100 Washington Square East and Waverly Place, New York.
               ("Main" building is on the North-East corner of the park)

Cost           Admission is free.  All are welcome to attend.  We ask
               for a voluntary contribution of $2 to defray the cost of
               the mailing list and handouts.

Info           Voice (212) 533-NYPC Watson system        menu code "CSG"
               BBS   (212) 473-CSIG, 14.4/9600/2400, 8n1    join "CPLUS"

E-Mail list    To receive similar postings by e-mail in the future,
               please send e-mail to "".  Internet,
               AOL, BIX, CompuServe, Delphi and MCI addresses are OK.

Affiliations   The `C++ and C SIG' is a SIG of both the NYPC and NYACC.
               We ask all attendees be affiliated with NYU, or be
               members of NYPC ($35/year) or NYACC ($20/year).

After 9 pm     We adjourn to a nearby restaurant for BS(Beer&Sandwiches)
               Dutch treat.  A variety of food and drink is available.

Unix Expo 93   Free Exhibit area admission passes to Unix Expo 93 will
               be distributed.  Sept. 21 - 23, 1993 at the NY Javits
               Center, 10th Ave and 34th St.

Leadership     Randall Swan, Chair
               Saul J Rosenberg, Vice-Chair & Program Agendas
               Greg Comeau, Study Group & Technical Leader
               Rich Hickey, Study Group & Technical Leader

------------ page 2  8/31/93  C++ and C SIG  Oct. 7 and Nov. 4 Meetings

Thursday       `C++ and C SIG' General Meetings

   Oct. 7      Stan Lippman - AT&T Bell Labs

               Stan is a member of the AT&T Bell Labs "C++ Foundation",
               a group building a kernel for the development of inte-
               grated C++ programming environments.  He was one of the
               original members of the development team responsible for
               the C++ compiler, cfront.  His book, "A C++ Primer, 2nd
               Edition", is considered to be the standard introductory
               text on C++.  He is also the editor of "The C++ Report".

               Topic: "C++: From Minutia to Migraine"

               A very trivial language design decision (in the scheme of
               things) has repeatedly caused implementation headaches
               with cfront, the AT&T Bell Laboratories C++ Compiler
               originally implemented by Bjarne Stroustrup, the inventor
               of C++.

               The talk uses these specific problems to review the
               general structure of cfront, the C++ Object Model, the
               handling and optimization of virtual functions, and the
               general implementation of templates within cfront.

   Nov. 4      Borland        "Borland C++"

               Michael Hyman or David Intersimone
               Product Manager of Borland's Languages groups

               Topic: New Product announcement, major promotional tour.
               (perhaps 32bit C++, for Windows and Windows NT ?)

------------ page 3  8/31/93  C++ and C SIG  Study Group Index

2nd/3rd/4th   "Conquering C and C++"           Greg Comeau 718-945-0009
Thursdays     September topic: Scope and Linkage
              October   topic: Intro to C++ (start of new series)

Most          "Windows API"                    Dean Davis  718-204-5777
Wednesdays    Topic: How to program Microsoft Windows in C.
              New group, just started in August.  Uses Petzold book.

1st & 3rd     "3D Graphics"                    Daniel Kahn ""
Tuesdays                                       Alex von Braun
              Topic: Intro to graphics development in C++,
              using C++ Class libraries.  Uses Borland C++ for testing.

2nd           "Hypertext Project"              Rich Hickey
Tuesday       Topic: Hands-on development of a hypertext application.
              All participants write and integrate code.  Learn C++ by
              programming.  The group has been meeting for a year, and
              has developed a substantial application.

Meetings      (generally) from 6:30 to 9pm.
              Contact the Study Group Leader for details.

Location      "Main" building, NYU, same as the General Meeting.
              The Group Leader sets the room number.  Also, each night,
              the room number is generally posted outside room 703, and
              on the ground floor (north side, pillar by the elevator)
              of the "Main" building.

Registration  Either attend the General Meeting and speak to the group
              leader, or call the listed phone number.

Cost          Admission is free.  All are welcome to attend.  Modest
              voluntary contributions to defray the cost of handouts
              etc. are occasionally collected.

NOTE:         All dates and times are subject to change.  These meetings
              are run by volunteer efforts.  Please reconfirm in advance.

------------ page 4  8/31/93  C++ and C SIG  Monthly Calendars

   September 1993 C++ and C SIG Calendar
   Mon      Tues     Wed      Thur     Fri
                    1 Win    2 Gen    3     Gen = General Meeting: Symantec
                                            Win = Windows API
  6        7 Gra    8 Win    9 Ccc   10     Ccc = Conquering C++ and C
                                            Gra = 3D Graphics
 13       14 Hyp   15       16       17     Hyp = Hypertext System

 20       21 Gra   22 Win   23       24

 27       28       29 Win   30 Ccc

   October 1993 C++ and C SIG Calendar
   Mon      Tues     Wed      Thur     Fri
                                      1     Gen = General Meeting: Stan Lippman
                                            Win = Windows API
  4        5 Gra    6 Win    7 Gen    8     Ccc = Conquering C++ and C
                                            Gra = 3D Graphics
 11       12 Hyp   13 Win   14 Ccc   15     Hyp = Hypertext System

 18       19 Gra   20 Win   21 Ccc   22

 25       26       27 Win   28 Ccc   29