Topic: How to make a language proposal
Author: (Peter Juhl)
Date: 16 Aug 93 15:00:33 GMT Raw View
H H H Ho o o ow w w w t t t to o o o w w w wr r r ri i i it t t te e e e a a a a C C C C+ + + ++ + + + l l l la a a an n n ng g g gu u u ua a a ag g g ge e e e e e e ex x x xt t t te e e en n n ns s s si i i io o o on n n n p p p pr r r ro o o op p p po o o os s s sa a a al l l l f f f fo o o or r r r
A A A AN N N NS S S SI I I I- - - -X X X X3 3 3 3J J J J1 1 1 16 6 6 6/ / / /I I I IS S S SO O O O- - - -W W W WG G G G2 2 2 21 1 1 1
members of the X3J16 working group on extensions
_ 1 _ I_ n_ t_ r_ o_ d_ u_ c_ t_ i_ o_ n
First, let us try to dissuade you from proposing an exten-
sion to the C++ language. C++ is already too large and com-
plicated for our taste and there are millions of lines of
C++ code ``out there'' that we endeavor not to break. All
changes to the language must undergo tremendous considera-
tion. Additions to it are undertaken with great trepida-
tion. Whereever possible we prefer to see programming tech-
niques and library functions used as alternatives to lan-
guage extensions.
Many communities of programmers want to see their favorite
language construct or library class propagated into C++.
Unfortunately, adding useful features from diverse communi-
ties could turn C++ into a set of incoherent features. C++
is not perfect, but adding features could easily make it
worse instead of better.
The aim of ANSI-X3J16/ISO-WG21 is standardization of C++,
not the design of C++++. The ANSI/ISO committees are trying
hard to avoid inventing a new language. Few if any commit-
tee members believe in ``design by committee.'' The
committee's purpose is to ``Standardize existing practice.''
This means that any proposed extension, with only very rare
exception, should be implemented somewhere. However, as
noted below, that a feature is implemented and useful
doesn't in itself imply that it is suitable for inclusion
into C++.
Let us consider what is involved in making a proposal to
the committee. A modest proposal is going to cost the 100+
active members of the ANSI committee at least a couple of
hours each to review and debate with other members and col-
leagues. It could easily cost the equivalent six full work-
ing weeks of a senior technical person's time to consider
and reject a modest proposal. A complex proposal, such as
exception handling or run-time type identification costs at
least ten or even a hundred times that. A successful pro-
posal implies more work. The cost to the C++ community of
implementing, documenting, and learning to use your proposal
is proportionally higher. If the ANSI/ISO committees and
possibly the C++ community are going to make such a substan-
tial investment in considering your proposal, you should
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have a proposal worth considering. Thus, if you want to
make an extension to C++, you must be prepared to make a
``substantial investment'' of your own time and effort to
present the case to the committee. Please remember that the
committee members are volunteers and that your proposal com-
petes for time with other proposals and with the profes-
sional and private lives of the committee members.
We do understand that missing features also carry costs
that is why we consider extensions at all. However, please
do realize that the time and energy of every committee mem-
ber is limited and that every proposal for an extension not
only carries a cost but also diverts time and energy from
the committees primary activity of creating an unambiguous,
comprehensible, and complete description of the language and
the library.
_ 2 _ Q_ u_ e_ s_ t_ i_ o_ n_ s
Here is a list of questions that might help you to refine
your suggestion and possibly present it to the committee.
The list presents criteria that have been used to evaluate
features for C++.
[1]Is it precise? (Can we understand what you are suggest-
ing?) Make a clear precise statement of the change as
it effects the current draft of the language reference
[a]What changes to the grammar are needed?
[b]What changes to the description of the language
semantics are needed?
[c]Does it fit with the rest of the language?
[2]What is the rationale for the extension? (Why do _ y_ o_ u
want it, and why would _ w_ e also want it?)
[a]Why is the extension needed?
[b]Who is the audience for the change?
[c]Is this a general purpose change?
[d]Does it affect one group of C++ language users more
than others?
[e]Is it implementable on all reasonable hardware and
[f]Is it useful on on all reasonable hardware and sys-
[g]What kind of programming and design styles does it
[h]What kind of programming and design styles does it
[i]What other languages (if any) provide such features?
[j]Does it ease the design, implementation, or use of
[3]Has it been implemented? (If so, has it been imple-
mented in the exact form that you are suggesting; and if
not, why can you assume that experience from ``similar''
implementations or other languages will carry over to
the feature as proposed?)
[a]What affect does it have on a C++ implementation?
[x]compiler organization
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[y]run-time support
[b]Was the implementation complete?
[c]Was the implementation used by others than the
[4]What difference does the feature have on code?
[a]What does the code look like without the change?
[b]What is the affect of not doing the change?
[c]Does use of the new feature lead to demands for new
support tools?
[5]What impact does the change have on efficiency and com-
patibility with C and existing C++?
[a]How does the change affect run-time efficiency?
[x]of code that use the new feature
[y]of code that does not use the new feature
[b]How does the change affect compile and link times?
[c]Does the change affect existing programs
[x]Must C++ code that does not use the feature be re-
[y]Does the change affect linkage to languages such as
C and Fortran?
[d]Does the change affect the degree of static or
dynamic checking possible for C++ programs?
[6]How easy is the change to document and teach
[a]to novices?
[b]to experts?
[7]What reasons could there be for NOT making the exten-
sion? There will be counter arguments and part of our
job is to find and evaluate them so you can just as well
save time by presenting a discussion.
[a]Does it affect old code that does not use the con-
[b]Is it hard to learn?
[c]Does it lead to demands for further extensions?
[d]Does it lead to larger compilers?
[e]Does it require extensive run-time support?
[8]Are there
[a]alternative ways of providing a feature to serve the
[b]alternative ways of using the syntax suggested?
[c]attractive generalizations of the suggested scheme
Naturally, this list is not exhaustive. Please expand it
to cover points relevant to your specific proposal and leave
out points that are irrelevant.
_ 3 _ R_ e_ m_ e_ m_ b_ e_ r _ t_ h_ e _ V_ a_ s_ a!
Then, if the proposal is accepted for detailed considera-
tion in the committee, you should be prepared to attend sev-
eral ANSI/ISO committee sessions or sessions of a national
C++ standards committee. There as a member or as an
observer you could present your proposal and take part in
the debate about it and other proposals. If that is not
possible try to find someone on the committee who is willing
to make the case on your behalf.
Please understand that most extensions to the language
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cannot be accepted. Do not take it personally. Frequently a
problem that is solved with a language extension is also
solved by suitable use of existing C++ features. Alterna-
tively, a smaller extension to an existing feature or a
library class might do the job acceptably. This was the
case with a recent extension proposal for generalize over-
riding (see Ellis and Stroustrup: The Annotated C++ Refer-
ence Manual j f10.11, pg236) that Bjarne Stroustrup made. If
the designer of C++ is willing to learn and withdraw a pro-
posal, so should you.
Please also understand that there are dozens of reasonable
extensions and changes being proposed. If every extension
that is reasonably well-defined, clean and general, and
would make life easier for a couple of hundred or couple of
thousand C++ programmers were accepted, the language would
more than double in size. We do not think this would be an
advantage to the C++ community.
We often remind ourselves of the good ship Vasa. It was
to be the pride of the Swedish navy and was built to be the
biggest and most beautiful battleship ever. Unfortunately,
to accommodate enough statues and guns it underwent major
redesigns and extension during construction. The result was
that it only made it half way across Stockholm harbor before
a gust of wind blew it over and it sank killing about 50
people. It has been raised and you can now see it in a
museum in Stockholm. It is a beauty to behold far more
beautiful at the time than its unextended first design and
far more beautiful today than if it had suffered the usual
fate of a 17th century battle ship but that is no consola-
tion to its designer, builders, and intended users.
_ 4 _ S_ a_ m_ p_ l_ e _ P_ r_ o_ p_ o_ s_ a_ l
So you still want to make an extension? Here is an exam-
ple of a proposal that almost made it. It was proposed by
the ISO representative from Sweden and strongly supported by
the representative from Apple. There was implementation and
usage experience from both a C++ implementation and from
another language. In general, we liked it. The ``snag''
that caused the proposers to withdraw the proposal is pre-
sented at the end.
New keyword for C++: inherited
Dag M. Br" uck
Department of Automatic Control
Lund Institute of Technology
Box 118, S-221 00 Lund, Sweden
1. Description
May 3, 1992
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The keyword inherited is a qualified-class-name that repre-
sents an anonymous base class (RM, Section 5.1).
inherited :: name
denotes the inherited member name. The meaning of
inherited::name is that of name, pretending that name is not
defined in the derived class (RM, Section 10).
struct A { virtual void handle(); };
struct D : A { void handle(); };
void D :: handle()
In this example A::handle and inherited::handle denote the
same name.
When a class is derived from multiple base classes,
access to inherited::name may be ambiguous, and can be
resolved by qualifying with the class name instead (RM, Sec-
tion 10.1.1).
The dominance rule does not apply to qualified names,
and consequently not to inherited::name (RM, Section
2. Motivation
Many class hierarchies are built "incrementally," by aug-
menting the behaviour of the base class with added function-
ality of the derived class. Typically, the function of the
derived class calls the function of the base class, and then
performs some additional operations:
struct A { virtual void handle(int); };
struct D : A { void handle(int); };
void D :: handle(int i)
// other stuff
The call to handle() must be qualified to avoid a recursive
loop. The example could with the proposed extension be writ-
ten as follows:
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void D :: handle(int i)
// other stuff
Qualifying by the keyword inherited can be regarded as a
generalization of qualifying by the name of a class. It
solves a number of potential problems of qualifying by a
class name, which is particularly important for maintaining
class libraries.
2.1 Unambiguous inheritance
There is no way to tell whether A::handle() denotes the mem-
ber of a base class or the member of some other class, with-
out knowing the inheritance tree for class D. The use of
inherited::handle() makes the inheritance relationship
explicit, and causes an error message if handle() is not
defined in a base class.
2.2 Changing name of base class
If the name of the base class A is changed, all occurrences
of A::handle() must be changed too; inherited::handle() need
not be changed. Note that the compiler can probably not
detect any forgotten A::name if name is a data member or a
static member function.
2.3 Changing base class
Changing the inheritance tree so class D is derived from B
instead of A requires the same changes of A::handle() as
changing the name of the base class.
2.4 Inserting intermediate class
Assume that we start out with class D derived from A. We
then insert a new class B in the inheritance chain between A
and D:
struct A { virtual void handle(int); };
struct B : A { void handle(int); };
struct D : B { void handle(int); };
Calling A::handle() from D::handle() would still be per-
fectly legal C++ after this change, but probably wrong any-
way. On the other hand, inherited::handle() would now denote
B::handle(), which I believe reflects the intentions of the
programmer in most cases.
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2.5 Multiple inheritance
Most class hierarchies are developed with single inheritance
in mind. If we change the inheritance tree so class D is
derived from both A and B, we get:
struct A { virtual void handle(int); };
struct B { virtual void handle(int); };
struct D : A, B { void handle(int); };
void D :: handle(int i)
A::handle(i); // unambiguous
inherited::handle(i); // ambiguous
In this case A::handle() is legal C++ and possibly wrong,
just as in the previous example. Using inherited::handle()
is ambiguous here, and causes an error message at compile
time. I think this behaviour is desirable, because it forces
the person merging two class hierarchies to resolve the
ambiguity. On the other hand, this example shows that inher-
ited may be of more limited use with multiple inheritance.
3. Consequences
Programs currently using the identifier inherited must be
edited before recompilation. Existing C++ code is otherwise
still legal after the introduction of the keyword inherited.
Existing libraries need not be recompiled.
I believe inherited has a small impact on the complexity
of the language and on the difficulty of implementing com-
Although this is another feature to teach, I think
inherited makes teaching and learning C++ easier. This is
not an entirely new concept, just a generalization of quali-
fying names by the name of a class.
4. Experience
This is not a new idea, and similar mechanisms are available
in other object- oriented languages, notably Object Pascal.
The C++ compiler from Apple has inherited as described
above, although its use has been restricted to solving com-
patibility problems with Object Pascal.
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5. Summary
This paper proposes the extension of C++ with the keyword
inherited, a qualified-class-name used to denote an inher-
ited class member. The advantages are a clearer inheritance
relationship and increased programming safety. The imple-
mentation cost is small, and the consequences for existing
code minor.
_ 5 _ C_ o_ m_ m_ e_ n_ t_ s _ o_ n _ t_ h_ e _ i_ n_ h_ e_ r_ i_ t_ e_ d:: Proposal
Dag Br" uck is a member of the X3J16 working group for eval-
uating proposed extensions; he volunteered his proposal for
this use. The proposal is well-argued and as is the case
with most proposals there was more expertise and experience
available in the committee itself. In this case the Apple
representative had implemented the proposal. During the
discussion we soon agreed that the proposal was free of
major flaws. In particular, in contrast to earlier sugges-
tions along this line (some as early as the discussions
about multiple inheritance in 1986) it correctly dealt with
the ambiguities that can arise when multiple inheritance is
used. We also agreed that the proposal was trivial to
implement and would in fact be helpful to programmers.
Note that this is _ n_ o_ t sufficient for acceptance. We know
of dozens of minor improvements like this and at least a
dozen major ones. If we accepted all the language would
sink under its own weight (remember the Vasa!). We will
never know if this proposal would have passed, though,
because at this point in the discussion, Michael Tiemann
walked in and muttered something like ``but we don't need
that extension; we can write code like that already.'' When
the murmur of ``but of course we can't!'' had died down
Michael showed us how:
class foreman : public employee {
typedef employee inherited;
// ...
void print();
class manager : public foreman {
typedef foreman inherited;
// ...
void print();
void manager::print()
// ...
A further discussion of this example can be found on page
205 of B.Stroustrup: _ T_ h_ e _ C++ _ P_ r_ o_ g_ r_ a_ m_ m_ i_ n_ g _ L_ a_ n_ g_ u_ a_ g_ e (_ 2_ n_ d
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_ E_ d_ i_ t_ i_ o_ n); Addison-Wesley 1991. What we hadn't noticed was
that the re-introduction of nested classes into C++ had
opened the possibility of controlling the scope and resolu-
tion of type names exactly like other names.
Given this technique we decided that our efforts was bet-
ter spent on some other standards work. The benefits of
inherited:: as a built-in facility didn't sufficiently out-
weigh the benefits of what the programmer could do with
existing features. In consequence, we decided not to make
inherited:: one of the very few extensions we could afford
to accept for C++.
_ 6 _ A_ d_ d_ r_ e_ s_ s_ e_ s
If you still want to propose an extension please send mail
(electronic mail is preferred) to one of these X3J16 members
that will make sure that your proposal comes to the atten-
tion of the committee. Please make it clear if you are mak-
ing an official proposal. We all get lots of casual sugges-
tions and inquiries.
Dmitry Lenkov, HP, (X3J16 chairman).
19447 Pruneridge Ave, MS 47LE. Cupertino CA95014. USA.
Stephen D. Clamage, TauMetric, (acting
X3J16 vice chairman). 8765 Fletcher Pkwy, Ste. 301. La
Mesa CA91942, USA.
Bjarne Stroustrup, AT&T Bell Labs,
(chairman of the X3J16 working group for extenstions).
Murray Hill, NJ07974. USA.
Dag Michael Br" uck, Sweden, dag@Control.LTH.Se
Philippe Gautron, France,
Bill Gibbons, Apple,
Ted Goldstein, Sun,
Aron Insinga, DEC,
Konrad Kiefer, Siemens,
Kim Knuttila, IBM,
Martin O'Riordan, Microsoft,
You might also consider becomming a member of X3J16 or one
of the other national standards committees. We can use all
the constructive help we can get.
Here is how you become a member of X3J16: Have your orga-
nization send a letter to
Dan Arnold
X3 Secretariat, CBEMA
311 First St NW, Suite 500
Washington DC 20001-2178
saying that they want to join the X3J16 C++ Committee.
Include a brief statement of why -- the organization's
interest in C++, standardization efforts, or whatever.
Specify who the representative(s) will be, and the desired
class(es) of membership: Principal, Alternate, or Observer.
Send a copy of the letter to
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Steve Clamage
TauMetric Corporation
8765 Fletcher Pkwy, Ste 301
La Mesa, CA 91942
Include the address, phone, fax, and email address (as
applicable) of each person named.
The organization may become and remain a voting member by
sending a Principal or Alternate member to two of every
three meetings. There are three meetings per year, at least
2 of which are in the continental US or Canada. The annual
fee is currently $250, which allows the organization one
Principal member and one Alternate. X3 will send an invoice
for the fee. Do not send money with the letter.
The organization may have only one Principal member, and
as many Alternate members as it wants, with additional fees
for additional members, but only one vote may be cast per
organization. The organization may have Observer members
(in addition to or instead of regular members), who need not
attend meetings (but who may do so), and who may not vote at
meetings. The fee is the same for Observers.
Each member organization gets one copy of all the X3J16
documents as they are issued (before and after each meet-
ing), mailed to the Principal member (or to one of the
Observer members if there is no Principal member). Each
person on the membership list is added to the email reflec-
tor for the committee. There are also reflectors for the
various working groups on particular topics, which any mem-
ber may join.
May 3, 1992