Topic: Debugging tool for C++/motif

Author: pickerig@chongtar (Guy Pickering)
Date: 22 Jul 1993 08:38:25 GMT
Raw View
Jayesh Gada ( wrote:
: hi

: I've just started a project involving C++ and motif programming. At the very
: first hurdle I'm stuck for the want of a good debugging tool supporting
: C++/motif.
: Somebody suggested me these three names:
: ObjectCenter , gdb and xdb(not to be confused with dbx).

ObjectCenter: Full programming environment including browser, debugger
              and run-time memory checking. Expensive and reported to
       be slow - but pretty fully featured.

gdb: A debugger, works very well with g++, works sort of OK sometimes
     with cfront. Fully featured debugger and I use it all the time
     on cfront code. It is 'free' to use (See Gnu copyleft licence).

xdb: dunno about this one, but I know there is an xgdb, basically an x
     version (also free to use)

: If anyone knows about these tools or some better ones please email me as sson
: as possible.

Purify: To complement gdb we use Purify for run-time memory checking.
 See also Sentinal. Pretty good but disk-hungry (as is Object

: I'm also interested in :
:   Which is the best among all the tools you know of?
:   Whom to contact for Licencing info or best still if they are freely available
:   somewhere?

: (I've been using the "dbx" debugger for C/motif and am comfortable with it.)

gdb and dbx are similar in style, if not command compatible.

Please note that my comments on the products Purify and ObjectCenter
are my own based on my experience and the experience of others.
I am sure reps from either/or both companies may wish to agree/disagree
with my comments but that's life.


| Guy Pickering                  | School of Electronic & Electrical Eng,  |
| E-MAIL: | University of Birmingham,               |
| Tel: +44 (021) 414 4340        | Edgbaston, Birmingham. B15 2TT.         |
| Fax: +44 (021) 414 4291        | ENGLAND.                                |

Author: (Jayesh Gada)
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1993 17:06:48 GMT
Raw View

I've just started a project involving C++ and motif programming. At the very
first hurdle I'm stuck for the want of a good debugging tool supporting
Somebody suggested me these three names:
ObjectCenter , gdb and xdb(not to be confused with dbx).
But even he hasn't used any of these.
If anyone knows about these tools or some better ones please email me as sson
as possible.
I'm also interested in :
  Which is the best among all the tools you know of?
  Whom to contact for Licencing info or best still if they are freely available

(I've been using the "dbx" debugger for C/motif and am comfortable with it.)

I'll appreciate your efforts in helping me out with this problem.
