Topic: argument passing
Author: (ravi.krishnaswamy)
Date: 22 Jul 93 14:26:18 GMT Raw View
In section 4.6.3 of Stroustrup's "The C++ programming
Language (2nd edition)", Stroustrup makes the following
"A literal, a constant, and an argument that requires
conversion can be passed as a const& argument, but not
as a non-const argument."
Does the following program which compiled fine with
cfront 2.1 contradict the above statement.
void dump(int& a, int& b)
b = 12;
cerr << "a=" << a << ' ' << "b=" << b << '\n';
int i = 23;
dump(i, 33);
Paul Mackles
Author: (John M Davison)
Date: 22 Jul 1993 23:10:21 GMT Raw View
In article <> (ravi.krishnaswamy) writes:
>In section 4.6.3 of Stroustrup's "The C++ programming
>Language (2nd edition)", Stroustrup makes the following
> "A literal, a constant, and an argument that requires
> conversion can be passed as a const& argument, but not
> as a non-const argument."
> Does the following program which compiled fine with
> cfront 2.1 contradict the above statement.
>void dump(int& a, int& b)
> dump(i, 33);
John Davison, <---- send followups to THIS ADDRESS!!!!!
(Otherwise your mail will bounce!) If you work at NT/BNR, please COCOS to
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Author: (Raphael Mankin)
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1993 20:44:48 +0000 Raw View
Raphael Mankin Britain and America are two nations
divided by a common language. -- GBS