Topic: International Software
Author: (Bowyer Jeff)
Date: Sat, 3 Jul 1993 04:56:38 GMT Raw View
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INSOFT-L on LISTSERV@CIS.VUTBR.CZ Internationalization of Software
Discussion List
Internationalization of software relates to two subjects:
1. Software that is written so a user can easily change the
language of the interface;
2. Versions of software, such as Czech WordPerfect, whose
interface language differs from the original product.
Topics discussed on this list include:
-- Techniques for developing new software
-- Techniques for converting existing software
-- Internationalization tools
-- Announcements of internationalized public domain software
-- Announcements of foreign-language versions of commercial
-- Calls for papers
-- Conference announcements
-- References to documentation related to the
internationalization of software
This list is moderated.
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LISTSERV@CIS.VUTBR.CZ with the body containing the command:
SUB INSOFT-L Yourfirstname Yourlastname
Center for Computing and Information Services
Technical University of Brno
Udolni 19, 602 00 BRNO
Czech Republic