Topic: JCLT C and C++ implementor survey

Author: (John R. Levine)
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1993 18:12:23 GMT
Raw View
The Journal of C Language Translation, which I edit, has had a long-running
series of e-mail surveys of C and C++ compiler writers.  Summaries of survey
responses appear in the JCLT and are mailed to surveyees (is that a word?)

I've recently sent the latest survey, but since the last one was a year ago,
the list is somewhat stale.  If you are involved in writing or maintaining C
or C++ compilers and tools and would like to be on the list, drop me a line
with your e-mail address and what compiler or tool you work on and I'll add
you.  TIA.

John R. Levine, IECC, POB 349, Cambridge MA 02238, +1 617 492 3869, {ima|spdcc|world}!iecc!johnl
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