Topic: C++ Information on the World Wide Web [monthly posting]

Author: (Marcus Speh)
Date: Sat, 22 May 1993 19:50:54 GMT
Raw View
       [monthly posting to C++ discussion groups]
     C++ Server on the World Wide Web
   FYI, there is a wealth of information on C++ available on the World Wide
   Web [WWW], a distributed HyperText system. If you have a WWW browser up
   and running, try

   (this brings you to the DESY home page), and look for "C++" in the
   panel which appears. The precise URL is

   If you have no clue what WWW is, you can go over the Internet with


   which brings you to the WWW Home Page at CERN. You are now using the
   simple line mode browser. From there, go to "by Subject", then to
   "Computing", and from there to "Languages", where you will see "C++"
   appearing. "Go" means: enter the number after the keyword to access
   another link from your current panel.

   A formatted printout of the "C++" panel is appended below, indicating
   current branches of information.

   WWW-browsing: the by far nicest way of "browsing" through WWW uses
   the X-Terminal based tool "XMosaic". Binaries for many platforms
   (ready for use) and sources are available via anonymous FTP from in directory Web/xmosaic.

   Please feel free to contact me for questions, suggestions and further

                                05/22/93, Marcus Speh

 PS. for readers of hepnet.lang.c++, the link "Newsgroups" leads to an
     edited list of messages from hepnet.lang.c++, archived at the
     freeHEP information server.

----- [copied from the WWW. Numbered Items lead to more documents] -----

        C++ Documents and Sources

Getting Informed[1]
   Many documents and sources on C++[2] and
   Object-Oriented[3] Programming
GNU Emacs C++ Mode[4]
   Customizable environment of the GNU Emacs editor to
   format C++ code
   Internet groups for discussions and questions on C++
   Class Library for High Energy Physics and the "CLHEP
   C++ related software information[8] and review documents[9]
   from the freeHEP server[10]
   MultiGrid algorithm class LIBrary for lattice field theory[12]
