Topic: Urgent!! need wind. c++ help
Author: (W. Figurelle)
Date: 18 Mar 93 08:07:51 EST Raw View
I am currently writing a windows program using BORLAND C++ in Windows 3.1 on a
486 machine with 8 MB of RAM. I have 2 problems. The first problem deals with
Borland's Variable Container Class Array. The second problem deals with
generating windows. Here are the problems:
1) I can only access a 64k container class array. I need to access a 1M
container class array. I have been able to use a 1M regular array. I
haven't tried intermediate sizes to actually see at what size the program
fails but I know it doesn't work at 1 M. Am I doing something wrong, or
is there a limitation on the size of the container class? I need help.
2) Currently I have c code in my .h files and would like to remove it from the
file. The problem is that the program creates all the windows in the main
file and therefore the main file needs the class for the window defined.
Is there any way to use forward declarations for class definitions? Or is
there another solution to this problem?
Please reply to e-mail
Thanks in advance
Wayne Figurelle