Topic: C & C++ - Advantages for having both?

Author: (David C. Mocny)
Date: 3 Mar 93 21:58:52 GMT
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 My name is David Mocny and I am just now learning Borland Turbo C++ on my own.  I
have been reading this newsgroup for several months, and was wondering about the usage rates
of C vs. C++.  Are there any advantages of using C over C++ (since I have been told that C++
code is generally faster, more compact, easier to write etc.)?  If so, what are they?  Is C
more useful for bigger projects?  The reason I am asking is becuase I plan to purchase my
first computer in the next year and a big part of its use will be for programming -
specifically in C and/or C++.  Before I make the huge outlay of money for Turbo C/C++
w/Applications Frameworks, I would like to know if having both is a useful idea or just a
waste of time and money.  Any replies should be sent to the above E-mail address, as I don't
often read this newsgroup.  Thanks in advance!

        David Mocny