Topic: Templates and Friends

Author: (Luc Duponcheel)
Date: 28 Jan 93 12:54:57 GMT
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I have some question about templates and friends.

Since friend function templates are just like function templates,
they cannot have non-type template arguments.

Therefore the following example will not compile


#include <iostream.h>

template<class T, int size>
class BoundedContainer {
friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &, const BoundedContainer<T,size> &) ;
// more stuff
} ;

template<class T, int size>
ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const BoundedContainer<T,size> &bC) {
 // do something
 return os ;


my questions are :

1) What is the very reason for not allowing non-type template arguments
for function (and therefore also friend function) templates?

2) Is there a way to solve my problem?

Luc Duponcheel
Alcatel Bell Telephone, SE99
Francis Wellesplein 1,
B-2018 Antwerpen

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Author: (Paul Lucas)
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1993 22:37:25 GMT
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In <> (Luc Duponcheel) writes:

>I have some question about templates and friends.

>Since friend function templates are just like function templates,
>they cannot have non-type template arguments.

>Therefore the following example will not compile


>#include <iostream.h>

>template<class T, int size>
>class BoundedContainer {
>friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &, const BoundedContainer<T,size> &) ;
>// more stuff
>} ;

>template<class T, int size>
>ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const BoundedContainer<T,size> &bC) {
> // do something
> return os ;


>my questions are :

>1) What is the very reason for not allowing non-type template arguments
>for function (and therefore also friend function) templates?

 Functions can only be overloaded by (differing) type, not
 differing values of the same type (I think).

>2) Is there a way to solve my problem?

 Your code compiles just fine under cfront.
 - Paul J. Lucas
   AT&T Bell Laboratories
   Naperville, IL

Author: (Jamshid Afshar)
Date: 29 Jan 1993 18:36:47 -0600
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In article <> (Paul Lucas) writes:
>In <> (Luc Duponcheel) writes:
>>template<class T, int size>
>>ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const BoundedContainer<T,size> &bC) {
>> // do something
>> return os ;
>>1) What is the very reason for not allowing non-type template arguments
>>for function (and therefore also friend function) templates?
> Functions can only be overloaded by (differing) type, not
> differing values of the same type (I think).

Huh?  ARM 14.4c says "All template-args for a function template must
be type-arguments."  The commentary gives the reason "[template
arguments] must be deduced from the actual arguments in calls of the
template function."  I don't understand this reason, but it seems
clear the ARM does not allow function templates to have non-type

Lippman's _C++ Primer 2nd Ed_ (p200, end of 4.2) says permitting
template functions to accept expression parameters is a likely
proposal to the ANSI C++ committee.  Has such a proposal been made,
and if so, would anybody care to guess what are the chances of it

>>2) Is there a way to solve my problem?
> Your code compiles just fine under cfront.

So cfront implements this extension?  Besides the situation above, I
think non-type template arguments would be of (dubious?) use for
built-in arrays.  Here's one solution to the recently-discussed
problem of initializing an Array class object with a set of values.
I'm still not sure how I feel about it stylisticly, but it is safer
than the other solutions mentioned.

 template<class T> class Array {
    Array(size_t n, const T* init);

 template<class T, size_t SZ> inline  // currently illegal
 Array<T> to_array(T (const &a)[SZ])
    { return Array<T>(SZ,a); }


 static double tbl[] = { 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4 };
 Array<T> table = to_array(tbl);  // compilers should optimize

Of course if nested templates were allowed, you could have the (rather
nice, IMHO) solution of:

 template<class T> class Array {
    template<size_t SZ>
    Array(T (const &a)[SZ]);
 static double tbl[] = { 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4 };
 Array<T> table = tbl;

Has a proposal for nested templates been made?  Fortunately I don't
think I feel strongly enough about it to make a proposal, but I am

Jamshid Afshar

Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1993 17:23:39 GMT
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In article <>, (Jamshid Afshar) writes:
> In article <> (Paul Lucas) writes:

> Lippman's _C++ Primer 2nd Ed_ (p200, end of 4.2) says permitting
> template functions to accept expression parameters is a likely
> proposal to the ANSI C++ committee.  Has such a proposal been made,
> and if so, would anybody care to guess what are the chances of it
> passing?

The proposal in question would require that all the template arguments of
a function template _be involved in determining_ the types of the template
function's arguments.  Thus, this would be allowed:

 template < class A, len >
 A sum( Array< A, len > )
  .. .. ..

but this would not:

 template < class A, len >
 A flake( Array< A, 1 >, len )
  .. .. ..

because there is no way, given a call of  flake() , to determine a value
for  len .

And yes, I believe it's going in.
 (This man's opinions are his own.)
 From mole-end    Mark Terribile, Somewhere in Matawan, NJ

Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1993 16:53:38 GMT
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Scott Meyers has been kind enough to point out that I bumbled the code
examples below:

>  template < class A, len >
>  A sum( Array< A, len > )
>   .. .. ..

>  template < class A, len >
>  A flake( Array< A, 1 >, len )
>   .. .. ..

Of course the `len' should be `int len' in three of the places where it
 (This man's opinions are his own.)
 From mole-end    Mark Terribile, Somewhere in Matawan, NJ