Topic: A couple of template questions
Author: (Jamshid Afshar)
Date: 10 Feb 1993 16:06:09 -0600 Raw View
I'm hoping someone can help me convince Borland that the following two
uses of templates are or will be legal. ANSI "draft [what draft?]
chapter and verse" would be great, as would any information about
whether any current compilers handle it. Thanks, your help is
1. The use of a template parameter in following template parameters:
template<class T, T min, T max>
// BC++ gives error that T previously defined
class Range {
T d;
Range(T v) { if (v>=min && v<=max) d = v; else d = min; }
Range<int,1,10> score;
// or
template<class T, void (T:*mfp)()>
class CB {
CB(T* t) { (t->*mfp)(); }
class Foo {
virtual void f();
Foo foo;
FooCB<Foo, &Foo::f> c(&foo);
2. A mutually-recursive use of templates.
template<class Letter>
class Envelope;
template<class T>
class Vector {
void operator=(Envelope< Vector<T> >&);
template<class Letter>
class Envelope : public Letter {};
// BC++ gives error that "Vector<int> must be previously defined"
typedef Vector<int> IntVector;
Jamshid Afshar