Topic: More Portability of Casting

Author: JIMI@RALVM5.VNET.IBM.COM (Jim Meyers)
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 93 15:36:43 EST
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I guess my first post was too confusing. I'll try to be more direct:

Assume we have the following data types:

  struct Base {...}; // Never contains methods - only data members

  class Derived : public Base {
  virtual int bar(); // Derived class may or may not have virtual methods

Now, we want to cast a Derived* to a Base* for the purposes of passing
a struct Base* to a "C" API e.g.:

   Derived d;

   int rc = foo( (Base*)&d );

1. Is this portable?
2. Is a (Base)Derived always bitwise equivalent to a struct Base?
3. Is a (Base*)&Derived always equivalent to a struct Base*?
4. Does the language definition allow compiler vendors to associate a
   vtbl* with the Base part of d (even though Base has no virtual

Jim Meyers                           | Voice:    919-543-5999
IBM Networking Systems               | Fax:      919-543-1286
LAN Systems Workstation Technology   |
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709     | Internet:

Author: (Donald W. Rouse II)
Date: 15 Jan 93 18:00:06 GMT
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In article <> JIMI@RALVM5.VNET.IBM.COM (Jim Meyers) writes:
>I guess my first post was too confusing. I'll try to be more direct:
>Assume we have the following data types:
>  struct Base {...}; // Never contains methods - only data members
>  class Derived : public Base {
>  ...
>  virtual int bar(); // Derived class may or may not have virtual methods
>  ...
>  };
>Now, we want to cast a Derived* to a Base* for the purposes of passing
>a struct Base* to a "C" API e.g.:
>  main()
>  {
>   Derived d;
>   int rc = foo( (Base*)&d );
>  }

Wouldn't this work better?

extern "C" int foo (Base&); // In C, declare int foo (Base*);
int rc = foo (d);

I don't know if this is strictly legal, though.
(Do C++ refs always translate to C pointers?)
If not, you could use

Base* baseof(Base& b) { return &b; }
extern "C" int foo (Base*);
Derived d;
int rc = foo( baseof (d) ); // d ref turns into b ref; ->b returned