Topic: Pointer Comparisons

Author: (Pablo Halpern )
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1993 18:53:39 GMT
Raw View
In article <>, (Scott Turner) writes:
|> My perspective, that subobjects are objects, has stood up to 4 years of
|> working with the C++ reference manual and working paper.  It fits in better
|> with the common application of the prefix "sub".  For example, a subset is
|> so called not because it belongs to a set, but because it _is_ a set
|> subordinate to another set.  If a subset were not properly a set, then
|> it never would have been called a subset.  Likewise "subobject" would be
|> a poor term if it did not refer to an object.

You cannot arbitrarily make up the english meaning of "sub."  Remember,
"subhuman" means "less than human," thus it is very reasonable for a
"subobject" to be "less than an object."  In fact, subset is a very poor
example.  In math class we were explicitly taught that, "a subset is a
set."  This had to be made explicit because it was not *obvious* from the
use of the prefix, "sub."  A subset has all of the qualities of a set, but
that does not imply that a subspecies has all of the qualities of a
species, nor that a subobject has all of the qualities of an object.


- Pablo

Pablo Halpern             (617) 290-3542
HP Waltham      

I am self-employed, so my opinions *do* reflect those of my employer.
However, they may not reflect the opinions of my client.

Author: (Jim Adcock)
Date: 24 Dec 92 20:37:26 GMT
Raw View
In article <> (John MAX Skaller) writes:
|ARM requires non-zero length objects doesnt it?

No, ARM does not make such a requirement.  ARM requires sizeof(Ob) to
be greater than zero.  And ARM requires new Ob to return a distinct address.
But this is not the same as requiring Ob to have non-zero length.
The basic underlying requirement is that the space that Ob takes as an
element of an array be greater than zero, so that pointers to different
elements in the array have different values.  This can be achieved for
zero-length objects by requiring them to have at least one-byte trailing
alignment padding when placed in arrays.  When used as a member of a structure,
the object wouldn't necessarily have the same padding and alignment
requirements.  For example ARM *explicitly* makes no requirement of
implementations in the following example:

class A {};

class B
 A a1;
 A a2;

 B b;
 A* p1 = &(b.a1);
 A* p2 = &(b.a2);

 if (p1 == p2)
  cout << "its undefined according to ARM!\n";
  cout << "boring case -- but still undefined behavior!\n";

 return 0;

Author: (John MAX Skaller)
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1992 00:03:41 GMT
Raw View
  On Pointer Comparisons

I propose, not claiming to be the originator of any or all the ideas
here, that the issue of pointer comparisons be resolved as

1) If two pointers of the same type, (other than void*) compare equal,
   then they may be assumed to refer to the same object, subobject,
   or component.


   Allocations by 'new' of empty classes will then require at least one
   byte of address space be wasted, otherwise

   struct T {};
   T* t1=new T;
   T* t2=new T;

   if(p==q)cout<<"p,q are same object");

   gives a false diagnostic.

   Inclusion of an empty class in a structure must also have this
   property, as must allocations on the stack or in static storage.
   The same is true for inheritance:

   struct U : public T {};
   struct V : public T {}
   struct D : public U, public V { ... } d;

   T* t1=(U*)&d;
   T* t2=(V*)&d;


   The alternative rule allows an exception if the classes are empty,
   empty meaning either no data members, or better, no data members
   and no virtual functions.

   This alternative precludes use of empty classes solely to create
   unique objects with no operations, but appears to have no other
   serious consequences. Since nonempty classes can always be
   used to artificially create unique object identities, this
   alternative may be viable.

2) Let T be a type. A pointer to T, const T, volatile T, or
   const volatile T is called an object pointer. Pointers
   to array types are also object pointers.

   The address of a function is a function pointer.

   A void* is a void pointer.

   A pointer obtained by operator new, or taking the address
   of a static or auto object, or a pointer explicitly set to 0,
   is a domestic pointer (value).
   A pointer to a function with external linkage is a domestic
   pointer (value).

   A domestic pointer is valid if the object from which it was
   derived continues to exist, otherwise it is said to dangle,
   and is invalid, except that 0 pointers are considered valid.
   (If nested functions are introduced, this rule also applied
   to them. If dynamic linkage is used, this rule also applies to them)

   A function or object pointer obtained by conversion, copying,
   or assignment, of a valid domestic pointer is a valid domestic pointer
   (except for conversion to void*, which is not a function or object

   If a (valid) member pointer is bound to a valid non-zero
   object pointer, the result is a valid object pointer.

   (Appropriate rules for pointers to objects in arrays need
   to be included here, allowing for pointer arithmetic).

   Two valid domestic pointers of the same type compare equal if they
   point to the same object or function.

   Two void* compare equal if they were derived from the two
   valid domestic pointers that compare equal, and those
   pointer values remain valid.


   These rules explicitly exclude 'foreign' pointers such as those
   obtained by operating system calls. In this case the rules
   may be obeyed or not, it is implementation defined.

   The same applies to invalid pointers, since the memory may be
   reclaimed, or the pointers themselves modified by a GC
   or compaction algorithm.

3) Combination of (1) and (2) yield an equivalence between
   object identity and pointer equality subject to the caveats

   Therefore, the inequality operator will be defined by

   a!=b <==> !(a==b)

   with the same caveats.


   The desired equivalence

   a==b <==> a,b refer to the same object
   a!=b <==> a,b refer to different objects

   is subject to the 3 constraints:

   a) nonempty class (if rule 1 alternative is taken)
   b) validity (continued existence of the object pointed to)
   c) domesticity (exclusion of mangling and foreign suppliers)

4) The operators <,>, <=,>= are implementation defined, unless
   the arguments point into the same array or access components
   of the same access section in a class, or both, in which
   case they reflect the relative positions in the obvious
   way (with caveats for empty classes).

   (Additional caveats may have to be added here, esp regards
   subobject ordering)

   If the macro TOTALPTRORDER is defined, the standard pointer
   comparisons provide a total order.

5) The standard library function

   int ptrorder(void*,void*);

   yields a total order as follows:

   ptrorder(a,a)==0                                       (reflexive)
   ptrorder(a,b)<0 ==> ptrorder(b,a)>0                    (anti-commutative)
   ptrorder(a,b)==0 ==> ptrorder(b,a)==0
   ptrorder(a,b)<0 && ptrorder(b,c)<0 ==> ptrorder(a,c)<0 (transitive)

   If the macro TOTALPTRORDER is defined, ptrorder must
   provide the same ordering.


   ptrorder may return 0 for all arguments. It can be used in algorithms
   not requiring any object identity, such as sorts, but not when
   equality is required for a uniqeness such as for a b-tree.

6) Ptrorder0

   Same as ptrorder, with the additional constraint

   ptrorder0(0,a)==0 ==> a==0


   This function allows 0 to be distinguished. I'm not sure
   how useful this is, and whether it should be required or
   indicated by a macro variable.

7)  ptrcmp

    This function returns a total order compatible with ==

    ptrcmp(a,b)==0 <==> a==b

    It is implementation dependent whether this function is actually
    provided or not, if it is, however, it must obey the above

    To facilitate detection the macro variable PTRCMP is defined
    if ptrcmp is available for unrestricted calls, and not otherwise.

    If ptrcmp is not available, the user may supply a ptrcmp routine,
    which must have the above semantics.


    ptrcmp is used when object identity is important, for
    example an efficient set implementation.

    If ptrcmp is not available, it is an indication that in this
    environment a client algorithm could not possibly work.
    For example in the presence of an incremental compacter that
    reordered objects in memory and updated the relevant pointers,
    a set implemented by an ordered list could not work,
    so the absence of ptrcmp is no loss.


    The functions


    may also be supplied in systems where pointers may be silently

    The macro FREEZEPTRCMP is defined if these functions are defined.
    If the macro PTRCMP is defined, freezing and thawing effects
    efficiency only, calls to freezeptrcmp() and thawptrcmp() are optional.

    If FREEZEPTRCMP is defined, but PTRCMP is not, then
    calling freezeptrcmp() enables ptrcmp to yield a total

    After freezptrcmp() is called, the order may be lost.

    The freeze function need not stop a compaction routine,
    only prevent it destroying a total order.

    If PTRCMP is not defined, freezing is mandatory during
    sequences of calls to ptrcmp. Inappropriate calls
    to ptrcmp may not work if correct freezing and thawing
    strategy is not followed.

 Maxtal Pty Ltd, 6 MacKay St ASHFIELD, NSW 2131, AUSTRALIA
;--------------- SCIENTIFIC AND ENGINEERING SOFTWARE ------------------

Author: (Johan Bengtsson)
Date: 20 Dec 92 21:03:50 GMT
Raw View
John MAX Skaller ( wrote:

:   On Pointer Comparisons
:   ----------------------

: I propose

: 1) If two pointers of the same type, (other than void*) compare equal,
:    then they may be assumed to refer to the same object, subobject,
:    or component.

: Comment.

:    Allocations by 'new' of empty classes will then require at least one
:    byte of address space be wasted, otherwise
:    Inclusion of an empty class in a structure must also have this
:    property,[...]

==> Only if adjacent to another member with which it has a common
 base class.

: Alternative.

:    The alternative rule allows an exception if the classes are empty,
:    empty meaning either no data members, or better, no data members
:    and no virtual functions.

==> "no virtual functions" is perhaps too restrictive, since that
 might unnecessarily preclude implementations that don't use
 the "vtbl" scheme, for example by tagging all pointers with
 the actual type, or using special hardware (e.g. associative memory).

 I think "no data members" must be enough to void all
 guarantees on pointer distinctness (in this alternative
 to rule (1)).

:    This alternative precludes use of empty classes solely to create
:    unique objects with no operations, but appears to have no other
:    serious consequences. Since nonempty classes can always be
:    used to artificially create unique object identities, this
:    alternative may be viable.

==> I would agree, but only for "vtbl" like implementations,
 since objects under future implementations may very well need
 zero storage, even if they have virtual functions. Since we
 do not wish to preclude future non-vtbl implementations
 (right?), I do _not_ think this alternate rule is a good one.

 I think the alternate rule (1) must be

 "You can't rely on pointer equivalence for classes that have
 no data members"

 disqualifying among others many abstract base classes (I know
 you John like MI mix-ins, many of those should be affected too).

[ definition of "domestic" pointers deleted ]

:    Two void* compare equal if they were derived from the two
:    valid domestic pointers that compare equal, and those
:    pointer values remain valid.

==> Two void* should also be allowed to compare equal in
 cases where they are not derived from two domestic
 pointers that compare equal, i.e.

 p1==p2  ==>  (void*)p1==(void*)p2,

 but not the other way around.  The reverse should only hold
 if (p1 == p2) is defined, assuming equality comparison
 is only defined if p1 and p2 are of the same type, or share
 a common base class.

 Also note that the common base class of p1 and p2 must not
 be an empty class (if the alternative rule (1) is adopted).

: Comment

:    The desired equivalence

:    a==b <==> a,b refer to the same object
:    a!=b <==> a,b refer to different objects

:    is subject to the 3 constraints:

:    a) nonempty class (if rule 1 alternative is taken)
:    b) validity (continued existence of the object pointed to)
:    c) domesticity (exclusion of mangling and foreign suppliers)

==> I like the analysis, although I think constraint a) should
 be removed, since all classes with no data members must be
 considered "empty".

| Johan Bengtsson, Telia Research AB, Aurorum 6, S-951 75 Lulea, Sweden  |
|; Voice:(+46)92075471; Fax:(+46)92075490  |

Author: (John MAX Skaller)
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1992 17:27:35 GMT
Raw View
In article <> (Johan Bengtsson) writes:
>John MAX Skaller ( wrote:
>:   On Pointer Comparisons
>:   ----------------------
>:    Allocations by 'new' of empty classes will then require at least one
>:    byte of address space be wasted, otherwise
>:    Inclusion of an empty class in a structure must also have this
>:    property,[...]
>==> Only if adjacent to another member with which it has a common
> base class.

 Can you have the size different depending ... Yes,
Ok, the size could be zero, and the position of the next object
might be adjusted if required and not otherwise.

>: Alternative.
>:    The alternative rule allows an exception if the classes are empty,
>:    empty meaning either no data members, or better, no data members
>:    and no virtual functions.
>==> "no virtual functions" is perhaps too restrictive, since that


> I think "no data members" must be enough to void all
> guarantees on pointer distinctness (in this alternative
> to rule (1)).
> I think the alternate rule (1) must be
> "You can't rely on pointer equivalence for classes that have
> no data members"

> disqualifying among others many abstract base classes (I know
> you John like MI mix-ins, many of those should be affected too).

 Well, that just means you want rule(1) and not rule(1A).
There has been disagreement on this so I didnt want to preempt the
outcome here by making a decision. But likely rule 1 will do
because ARM requires non-zero length objects doesnt it?
>[ definition of "domestic" pointers deleted ]

 I think you mean "definition" of domestic pointers deleted :-)

>:    Two void* compare equal if they were derived from the two
>:    valid domestic pointers that compare equal, and those
>:    pointer values remain valid.
>==> Two void* should also be allowed to compare equal in

 you must mean "required" not "allowed" surely?

> cases where they are not derived from two domestic
> pointers that compare equal, i.e.
> p1==p2  ==>  (void*)p1==(void*)p2,

 Maybe. And maybe this rule is totally wrong!

 class A {} class B : A {}
 B* b=new B;
 A* a=b;
 a==b; // YES after implicit conversion of b to an A
 (void*)a == (void*)b; // NO, they point different places

So I think unless I'm wrong here and right before this rule has to
be withdrawn :-(

> but not the other way around.  The reverse should only hold
> if (p1 == p2) is defined, assuming equality comparison
> is only defined if p1 and p2 are of the same type, or share
> a common base class.

 I assume you can only compare pointers of exactly the same
type. All other comparisons must convert one of the pointers first.

> Also note that the common base class of p1 and p2 must not
> be an empty class (if the alternative rule (1) is adopted).
>: Comment
>:    The desired equivalence
>:    a==b <==> a,b refer to the same object
>:    a!=b <==> a,b refer to different objects
>:    is subject to the 3 constraints:
>:    a) nonempty class (if rule 1 alternative is taken)
>:    b) validity (continued existence of the object pointed to)
>:    c) domesticity (exclusion of mangling and foreign suppliers)
>==> I like the analysis, although I think constraint a) should
> be removed, since all classes with no data members must be
> considered "empty".

If "empty" classes are zero length, you need the caveat, otherwise
you dont.

I really dont know if this sort of thing is viable for the Standard.
The whole of this was to allow certain types of code to be
non-strictly conforming without being non-conforming.

In particular, it might perhaps *allow* vendor supplied
standard routines to muck with pointers without making
programs written using these features non-conforming.
(E.g. Borland and most DOS systems allow construction
and manipulation of pointers with language extensions.).

But I think really all bets might be off. You would
have to replace /pointer/ with /domestic pointer/
throughout most of the standard, eg

 x->print(); // x has to be domestic

and what it might ome down to is that all pointers
are assumed domestic in the standard anyhow .. so there
is nothing really to say. Sigh. I'm learning.
Never thought comparing two pointers would be so
hard to understand .. I do it now and then with no great qualms :-)

 Maxtal Pty Ltd, 6 MacKay St ASHFIELD, NSW 2131, AUSTRALIA
;--------------- SCIENTIFIC AND ENGINEERING SOFTWARE ------------------