Topic: Argument Matching

Author: (Scott Turner)
Date: Sat, 2 Jan 1993 17:38:09 GMT
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John (MAX) Skaller writes:
> Similarly,
>   f(int*);
>   f(const int*);
> would not both be allowed. The argument in favour of this
> is that overloading is for two purposes:
> A)     families of semantically equivalent operations on different types
>   e.g. sin(float), sin(complex)
> B)  [omitted]
> In case (A) overloading is desirable because the associated
> 'transparency' renders the program more readable and amenable
> to change of the types (float->complex).
> Addition of extra overloaded functions may cause re-binding,
> say sin(double) is added, but it doesnt really matter
> because this doesnt affect the overall semantics.

In the cases where I've seen overloading based on const, there is a very tight
semantic relationship between the overloaded functions, so tight
that they would be the same function except for a difference in
return type.  For example,
      int & access_the_count (class S&);
      const int & access_the_count (const class S&);
in which the overloaded function is providing access to a concrete
or abstract element of an object, and whether the element is const
or not depends on whether the object is const or not.
Prescott K. Turner, Jr.
Liant Software Corp. (developers of LPI languages)
959 Concord St., Framingham, MA 01701 USA    (508) 872-8700
UUCP: uunet!lpi!pkt                          Internet:

Author: (Martin Hitz)
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 91 13:30:09 GMT
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I have been looking for an example for the usefulness of the
"strictly better match" rule in the context of overloading resolution.
The ARM gives one on pages 314-315 (section 13.2), however, I am wondering
if it was possible to rewrite it in a "class-free" manner.

I came up with the following:

 int f(void*, void*);  // =: 1
 int f(const int*, int*); // =: 2
 int f(int *, const int*); // =: 3

 int i = f(0,0);

The best match sets are {1,3} for the first, and {1,2} for the second argument.
The intersection is {1} (unique), however, 1 is NOT a strictly better match
than 2 (therefore, the call is illegal), because (comparing 1 to 2):

 0 -> void* is considered equal to  0 -> const int*
 0 -> void* is considered equal to  0 -> int*


 0 -> int* is considered BETTER to  0 -> const int*

during the first step (computation of "best" match sets).

I have two questions:

1) Is the example valid?

if yes: 2a) Is the argumentation correct?
if no: 2b) Is there a valid "class-free" example?

Thank you!
