Topic: templatized typedef?

Author: (Joseph N. Wilson)
Date: 22 Dec 92 20:45:07 GMT
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Please forgive me if this is old ground for this group.

CFront 3.0.1 does not let me do the following:

 template <class T>
 class C{ ... };

 template <class S>
 typedef C<S>  D;

The reason I'd like to do this is to be able to rename (using typedef)
a number of classes.  I thought this would be a clean way to rename
the template classes if it were supported.  I had a suspicion it might not
be supported right from the start.

Anyway, here's my question:

Is what I'm trying to do above _standard_ C++, or is it a fringe interpretation.
I figured because my typedef is a decl-specifier introducing a class-name,
that it should be a valid class declaration, thus the ARM should be satisfied
on page 342.  Is my reasoning faulty?  What do you gurus say?

Joe Wilson

P.S. CFront complains saying "D: only static data class members may be
parameterized."  I have difficulty interpreting this message in the context