Topic: C++ class libs survey.

Author: (Gil Tene)
Date: 10 Dec 92 06:08:29 GMT
Raw View
Hello C++ Land,

I'm doing a small survey about what C++ class libraries are out
there. I'm interested in information about "good" class libs
you know about. Also of interest:

- Are there any trends showing for a "standard" C++ class lib?

- I've heard something about a class lib by USL. What is the
  status on this? How good is it? How widely used?

- Do these class libs (that you write me about) support ANSI 3.0
  (e.g. templetes) >

Please give a few details about class libs you work with. I will
(of course) prepare a summary and post it.


-- Gil.

-- Gil Tene   "Some days it just doesn't pay     -
--    to go to sleep in the morning." -
--         -