Topic: Operator -> cannot return non-class types?
Author: (Daniel Larsson)
Date: 11 Nov 92 09:23:16 GMT Raw View
Yesterday, I tried HP's new C++ compiler (3.0) and templates for the first
time. To my surprise, I noticed that operator -> can only return the following
three types:
- a pointer to a class,
- a class, or
- a reference to a class.
This means I cannot do simple things like:
template< class T >
class OffsetPtr
OffsetPtr( T* );
T* operator ->();
OffsetPtr<char> ptrToString;
What is the rationale behind this restriction? I couldn't find anything in
C++PL 2nd ed. that mentions this restriction, although I didn't look too hard.
-- Daniel
Daniel Larsson Email:
ABB Automation AB Telefax: +46 21 34 25 25
V{ster}s, Sweden Telephone: +46 21 34 30 29
Author: (Brian McCauley)
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1992 18:43:41 GMT Raw View
In article <>, (Daniel Larsson) writes:
> To my surprise, I noticed that operator -> can only return the following
> three types:
> - a pointer to a class,
> - a class, or
> - a reference to a class.
> This means I cannot do simple things like:
> template< class T >
> class OffsetPtr
> {
> public:
> OffsetPtr();
> OffsetPtr( T* );
> ...
> T* operator ->();
> ...
> };
> OffsetPtr<char> ptrToString;
> What is the rationale behind this restriction? I couldn't find anything in
> C++PL 2nd ed. that mentions this restriction, although I didn't look too hard.
...where a is of a class type is interpreted as...
...which in turn may expand to...
...and so on.
but in all cases the thing on the rhs of the -> is a class member. Since
types other that structs and classes do not have members it would be
useless for operator->() to return anything other than a pointer to a class or
a class for which operator->() is also defined.
Now what you could do is define operator T* (). Unfortuneately if you write
`a->b' where a is of a class without an operator->() the compiler does not
try compiling it as `(*a).b' so you'll have to write this out in full each
time. Likewise you can't write `a[5]' but you can write `*(a+5)'.
This has annoyed me in the past and I feel that the language definition
should employ user defined type conversions to resolve the lh operand of
the -> ->* and [] operators.
\\ ( ) NO BULLSHIT! from BAM (Brian McCauley)
. _\\__[oo
.__/ \\ /\@ E-mail:
. l___\\ Fax: +44 21 625 2175
# ll l\\ Snail: 197 Harborne Lane, Birmingham, B29 6SS, UK
###LL LL\\ ICBM: 52.5N 1.9W
Author: (James Kanze)
Date: 13 Nov 92 19:16:17 Raw View
In article <>,
(Daniel Larsson) writes:
|> > To my surprise, I noticed that operator -> can only return the following
|> > three types:
|> > - a pointer to a class,
|> > - a class, or
|> > - a reference to a class.
|> >
|> > This means I cannot do simple things like:
|> >
|> > template< class T >
|> > class OffsetPtr
|> > {
|> > public:
|> > OffsetPtr();
|> > OffsetPtr( T* );
|> > ...
|> > T* operator ->();
|> > ...
|> > };
|> >
|> > OffsetPtr<char> ptrToString;
|> >
|> > What is the rationale behind this restriction? I couldn't find anything in
|> > C++PL 2nd ed. that mentions this restriction, although I didn't look too hard.
|> a->b
|> ...where a is of a class type is interpreted as...
|> (a.operator->())->b
|> ...which in turn may expand to...
|> ((a.operator->()).operator->())->b
|> ...and so on.
|> but in all cases the thing on the rhs of the -> is a class member.
|> Since types other that structs and classes do not have members it
|> would be useless for operator->() to return anything other than a
|> pointer to a class or a class for which operator->() is also defined.
|> Now what you could do is define operator T* (). Unfortuneately if you
|> write `a->b' where a is of a class without an operator->() the
|> compiler does not try compiling it as `(*a).b' so you'll have to write
|> this out in full each time. Likewise you can't write `a[5]' but you
|> can write `*(a+5)'.
|> This has annoyed me in the past and I feel that the language
|> definition should employ user defined type conversions to resolve the
|> lh operand of the -> ->* and [] operators.
IMHO, this should only be a problem in templates.
Basically, I don't offhand see anything in the language definition
that would restrict an operator->() (the function) from returning
whatever it wishes. On the other hand, there is no way to use this
operator *unless* it returns a pointer to a class. This is no doubt
why your compiler introduced the restriction.
Normally, of course, you would never want to write a function that
could not be called. However, in the case of templates, it is
possible that you might, since it could be called for the
instantiations using a class type, and any attempt to use it for the
instantiations using a non-class type would cause a compiler error at
the point of use.
(Actually, you can call the function, even for a non-class type
result, explicitly: "c = operator->( p ) ;", for example. However, I
don't think that this is really the idea behind operator overloading.)
James Kanze GABI Software, Sarl.
email: 8 rue du Faisan
67000 Strasbourg
Author: (Steve Clamage)
Date: Sat, 14 Nov 1992 22:03:18 GMT Raw View (James Kanze) writes:
>Basically, I don't offhand see anything in the language definition
>that would restrict an operator->() (the function) from returning
>whatever it wishes. On the other hand, there is no way to use this
>operator *unless* it returns a pointer to a class.
ARM 13.4.6:
"... operator->() must return either a pointer to a class or an object
of or a reference to a class for which operator->() is defined."
That seems pretty clear. The compiler was correct to reject a
declaration with any other sort of return type.
Steve Clamage, TauMetric Corp,
Vice Chair, ANSI C++ Committee, X3J16