Topic: idea for resolving the problems with multiple overloads
Author: mi@starlab.UUCP (Michael Hoennig)
Date: 13 Jul 92 07:28:50 GMT Raw View
Hi world,
what do you think on this idea:
If there ara more than one overloads of a Function or operator the
compiler is allowed to select one randomly.
Limitation: The overloads are separated into groups:
1 - don't need any conversion
2 - needs only simple conversion
3 - needs a user defined conversion
If there is exactly one overload in group 1 - it must be taken. If
there are more than one - one (randomly) of them must be taken.
If not, but there is exacly one in group 2 - ...
For example:
class AnotherThing;
class SomeThing
SomeThing( const AnotherThing & ); // (1)
class AnotherThing
operator SomeThing (); // (2)
int main()
AnotherThing aThing;
Function( aThing ); // might call (1) or (2)
// but in both cases it will result in the
// same object because the programmer both times
// does (externaly) the same.
If there is more than one way to do some functionality the programmer must
ensure, each way does its job. Possibly the computation of the resulst
differs - but never the result!
This would be a easy coding rule. And it is very easy to test! It is at
all a back-to-back test.
Each implementor of a class must only see his own implementation. If he things
something must be done - he does it without to have thinks about, if the
implementors (designes) of the other classes/methods had done this. It is
also possible for this tho exchange easily (of cause by source) one special
implementation/design with another.
Michael Hoennig FAX: +49 40 230 859
StarDivision (StarLab HH) Phone: +49 40 230 856
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