Topic: TOOLS USA 1992

Author: (Dr. Raimund K. Ege)
Date: 28 May 92 13:59:58 GMT
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                          TOOLS USA '92

                    Technology of Object-Oriented
                        Languages and Systems


             Santa Barbara, California, August 3-6, 1992


Program Chair: Raimund Ege, Florida International University
Conference Chair: Bertrand Meyer, ISE
Panel Chair: Madhu Singh, Bellcore


                  Interactive Software Engineering (USA)

               Florida International University (USA)

PANEL CHAIR: Madhu Singh
             Bellcore (USA)

Program Committee members:

Brian Henderson-Sellers
University of Technology, Sydney (Australia)

Farah Arefi
Florida International University (USA)

Richard Bielak
Bank of New York (USA)

Grady Booch
Rational (USA)

John Bruno
U. California, Santa Barbara (USA)

Dave Butler
Limit Point Systems (USA)

Mark Grossman
Bellcore (USA)

Paul Jatkowski
Reuters Client Site Systems (USA)

Bob Marcus
Boeing Computer Services (USA)

James McKim
Hartford Graduate Center (USA)

Masoud Milani
Florida International University (USA)

John Mitchell
Stanford University (USA)

Arne Nilsson
Telesoft AB (Sweden)

Hiroshi Nishimura
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories (USA)

John Potter
University of Technology, Sydney (Australia)

Wolfgang Pree
Washington University (USA)

David Quarrie

David Rine
George Mason University (USA)

Sergiu Simmel
Oberon Software (USA)

Christian Stary
Institut fuer Angewandte Informatik und Systemanalyse (Austria)

Anthony I. Wasserman
Interactive Development Environments (USA)

                         TUTORIAL PROGRAM - August 3-4

T1: O-O Management: Bertrand Meyer, ISE (USA)

This tutorial is designed for managers of MIS departments, directors of
research and development, project leaders and others interested in obtaining
an overview of the key aspects of object-oriented technology. It introduces
the key techniques of object-oriented analysis, design and programming,
examining their impact on the software lifecycle and development process,
including economic, personnel and organizational aspects. It also presents
strategies for introducing object-oriented techniques into an organization.

Bertrand Meyer, President of Interactive Software Engineering (Santa
Barbara), is the author of numerous articles and books on O-O
technology and programming techniques, including ``Object-Oriented
Software Construction'' (Prentice Hall, 1988), ``Introduction to the
Theory of Programming Languages'' (Prentice Hall, 1990), and ``Eiffel:
The Language'' (Prentice Hall, 1991). He is Series Editor for Prentice
Hall's Object-Oriented Series.  Dr. Meyer holds an MS from Stanford, an
Engineer's degree from Ecole Polytechnique, and a PhD from the
University of Nancy.

T2: O-O Analysis & Design: Kim Walden, Enea Data (Sweden)

O-O analysis techniques can be used to create a high-level
architecture for an application, which directly models the problem
domain and allows seemless transition to implementation in an
O-O language.  In contrast to other approaches, no paradigm shift
is involved here; the same O-O abstraction principles apply

The tutorial gives an overview of BON, a method comprising a set
of guidelines and notations for O-O analysis and design, drawn
from practical experience and directly targeted at reusability.
Other existing O-O techniques are also reviewed.  A small case
study is used to explain the successive methodological steps.

Kim Walden has more than twenty years experience with industrial
software development.  He was early exposed to O-O ideas, and was
on the team developing the DEC Simula compiler in the
mid-seventies.  During the eighties he has been involved in software
engineering research and education, and since 1988 he is senior O-O
consultant at Enea Data, a technical software consultancy company
in Sweden.  He holds a PhD from the Royal Institute of Technology,

T3: O-O in the MIS World: Jean-Marc Nerson, SOL (France)

MIS (Management Information Systems), also known as Commercial Data
Processing, Business Computing, and sometimes as the ``COBOL world'',
is one of the oldest areas of applications of computers and by far the
most important from an economic perspective, being often estimated to
account for 60 to 80% of all computer expenditures.  Because of the
specific nature of this area and of the weight of tradition,
object-oriented techniques have so far only modest incursions into MIS.
Yet many see this field as one of the most promising areas of
application for O-O techniques, for a combination of technical,
business and cultural reasons, which the presentation will explore. The
seminar analyzes the specific nature of MIS developments, review
briefly the history of technical advances in this field, and discuss
the possible contributions of O-O technology to MIS. It also analyzes
the obstacles and pitfalls that may delay or jeopardize the success of
O-O technology to MIS; it offers remedies to these problems, and a set
of recommendations for any company that is contemplating the move to
object-orientedness for MIS applications.  It presents the results of
current developments of commercial applications using O-O methods.

Jean-Marc Nerson is  Director of SOL (Paris).  He is the technical
leader for SOL in the *Business Class* project of the EEC's Esprit
program, a 640 man x months project, one of the largest O-O projects in
the world, specifically devoted to the development of tools and methods
for making object-orientedness a success in the MIS world.  Dr. Nerson
holds a Master's degree in engineering from ENSEEIHT, a PhD from ENST,
and a business-administration degree from l'Id'A ( Paris-Sorbonne).  As
an engineer at Thompson until 1985, he participated in the design and
foundation of a software engineering workbench.  He has lectured widely
on software engineering and object-oriented technology, and acted as
program committee member for several conferences.

T4: Teaching O-O Programming & Design: James McKim,
Hartford Graduate Center (USA)

The Object Oriented Paradigm is touted as a software development
methodology that promotes reuse, models the problem space, facilitates
maintenance, incorporates changes easily, shortens the development
lifecycle, encourages good software engineering techniques, and cures
the common cold. A course in Object Oriented Programming and Design
should address these claims.  One way (perhaps the only way) for
students of the paradigm to test such claims is to build a small but
high quality product as part of the course.

This tutorial will address such issues as:  picking a reasonable and
appropriate project to build, whether and how students should work in
teams, keeping students from dropping too far behind or getting
dangerously far ahead, dividing a project into a sequence of reasonable
deliverables within the context of a one semester course and just what
the deliverables should be.  Two "case studies" of courses taught in
this format will be presented. Scaling the approach down to short
courses appropriate for industry will also be discussed.

James C. McKim is a professor of Computer Science at the Hartford
Graduate Center and has more than twenty years experience teaching
mathematics and computer science. He has authored, coauthored and
reviewed a number of textbooks and articles in both areas.  His
research interests include object-oriented programming and design in
general, and class interface specification in particular.

T5: O-O Programming Languages: Raimund Ege, Florida
International University. (USA)

"Which object-oriented programming language is best suited for various
programming needs in a modern computing environment?" The tutorial
answers this question with a detailed look at the features of major
object-oriented languages.  C++, Eiffel, Object-Pascal, Objective-C and
Smalltalk are examined in detail.  They are compared on how they
support and enforce basic object-oriented principles (object/class,
inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism, memory management), as well
as their effectiveness to support modern software engineering
techniques.  The tutorial presents an outlook on current research-level
object-oriented programming languages.  Attendees are assumed to have a
basic understanding of object-oriented programming and its advantages.

Dr. Raimund K. Ege, author of "Programming in an Object-Oriented
Environment" (Academic Press, 1992), has presented many successful
tutorials on object-oriented concepts at major international
conferences.  He received his Ph.D. degree in computer science from the
Oregon Graduate Institute of Science & Technology in 1987.  He is
currently an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Florida
International University, Miami, Florida. He is an active researcher in
the area of object-oriented concepts, and their application to
programming, user interfaces, databases, simulation andsoftware

T6: O-O Programming in Modula-3: Samuel Harbison, Pine Creek

Modula-3 is a strongly-typed language designed by DEC and Olivetti in
the late 1980's. It includes practical facilities for OOP, exceptions,
generics, parallelism, and garbage collection, but its clean design and
run-time safety make it easy to learn and use.  Modula-3 is
increasingly popular for teaching, where it replaces less expressive
languages such as Modula-2, and for research and commercial
applications that emphasize reliability and maintainability.
Implementations of Modula-3 are freely available on the Internet.

Topics to be covered:  The objectives of Modula-3: simplicity, safety,
effectiveness; overview of the Modula-3 language; abstraction with
interfaces and modules; classes and the Modula-3 type system; making
classes and modules support each other; information hiding with opaque
types; run-time safety: at what cost?; the SRC Modula-3 system and
library; contrasting the costs and benefits of Modula-3, Ada, and C++.

Dr. Samuel Harbison is the president of Pine Creek Software and a
consultant specializing in programming languages and environments.  For
the last two years he has been working with Digital Equipment
Corporation on the Modula-3 programming language. Before founding Pine
Creek Software, Dr. Harbison was a vice president at Tartan, Inc., a
software company specializing in optimizing compilers for Ada. He has
been active on several programming language standards committees and is
the author of several papers and books, including C: A Reference Manual
(3rd ed., Prentice Hall, 1991) and Modula-3 (Prentice Hall, 1992). Dr.
Harbison holds an A.B.  degree in mathematics form Princeton University
and a Ph.D.  in computer science from Carnegie Mellon University.
Software (USA)

T7: O-O Programming in Ada83 and Ada9X: Henry Baker, Nimble
Computer (USA)

Ada's use has been mandated by Congress unless cost-ineffective, yet
Ada83 does not readily support a key technology for reducing software
costs-object-oriented programming. This tutorial will review various
styles of object-oriented programming in Ada, including preprocessor
approaches (e.g., Classic-Ada), "bare" Ada83, and the new facilities of
Ada9X. Topics to be covered include: object identity, types and
classes, single and multiple inheritance, polymorphism, dynamic storage
management and real-time garbage collection, "Actor"-like parallelism
and message-passing, and persistence (object-oriented databases).

Dr. Henry Baker is president of the four-year old Nimble Computer
Corporation, a Los Angeles-based software R&D and consulting firm,
whose clients have included the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Air
Force, the U.S. Army, Lockheed Corporation and Alliant Computer, with
projects in systems software and compilers. Prior to founding Nimble,
Dr. Baker was founder of Symbolics, Inc., the leader in sophisticated
workstations for AI software development. Dr. Baker received his
doctorate degree from M.I.T.  in 1978 in parallel models of non-numeric
computation and was Assistant Professor at the University of Rochester
for three years.

T8: Developing Scientific Software with Eiffel: David Butler,
Limit Point Systems (USA)

This tutorial demonstrates the use of Eiffel for developing
mathematical data types fundamental to scientific computation and
visualization. Emphasis will be placed on Eiffel`s ability to directly
express the type structures of the mathematical formalisms commonly
used in the physical sciences. The use of Eiffel's unique mechanisms,
such as deferred classes, assertions, and constrained genericity, as
well as the use of standard object-oriented techniques such as
classification, specialization and aggregation, will be discussed.
Examples will be drawn from computation and visualization in contexts
ranging from small scale data analysis on workstations to current
research in large scale, "Grand Challenge" style simulation on
massively parallel platforms.

David Butler is the principal at Limit Point Systems, a consulting
company specializing in software for scientific applications. He has a
PhD in physics and fifteen years experience developing scientific
software in a variety of pure and applied domains ranging from
theoretical statistical mechanics to medical imaging and seismic
prospecting. Over the last five years, he has worked extensively with
Sandia National Laboratories in Livermore, California, applying Eiffel
to large scale scientific computation and visualization.

T9: Constraint-Based Language and Systems: Alan Borning, U.
(USA) and Bjorn Freeman-Benson, U. Victoria (Canada)

A constraint is a relation that should be satisfied, for example, that
a line remain horizontal, that a resistor in an electrical circuit
simulation obey Ohm's Law, or that the height of a bar in a bar chart
be proportional to some number in an application program.  Constraints
have been used in a variety of languages and systems, particularly in
user interface toolkits, in planning and scheduling, and in
simulation.  Constraint hierarchies,which consist of both required and
preferential constraints, add additional power to constraint systems.

The tutorial will cover the following topics:  - constraints -
constraint hierarchies - algorithms for constraint satisfaction -
embedding constraints in object-oriented languages - constraints and
logic programming

Alan Borning received his Ph.D. from Stanford University in 1979, doing
his dissertation research with Alan Kay and the Learning Research Group
at Xerox PARC.  He has been at the University of Washington since 1980,
where he is currently an Associate Professor.  His research interests
are in object-oriented languages, constraint-based languages and
systems, and user interfaces.

Bjorn Freeman-Benson received his Ph.D. from the Department of Computer
Science and Engineering at the University of Washington in 1991 where
his dissertation was on Constraint Imperative Programming languages.
He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer
Science at the University of Victoria.  He has also been a Visiting
Scholar at the University of Nantes in France, and a Software Engineer
and Project Lead at Data I/O in Redmond, Washington.

T10: O-O Design for User Interfaces: Arno Gourdol, University of Grenoble

The process of designing and constructing user interfaces is critical
to building systems that satisfy the user's needs, both current and
future. The development of a user interface is still an art, not yet a
science, but scientific knowledge does exist of both human and computer

This tutorial summarizes the state of the art in the domain of computer
human interaction. This domain is driven by progress in two scientific
fields: cognitive psychology and computer science. The tutorial
explains some of the implications of cognitive psychology and human
factors on software engineering principles and design methods. The
presentation is organized in two parts: part one is concerned with the
design process. It identifies the contribution of cognitive psychology
and human factors to design methods and presents the implications on
software architecture. Part two is concerned with the contribution of
software tools and the object-oriented paradigm to the development of
interactive systems: toolkits, application frameworks and

Arno P.J. Gourdol, is preparing a Ph.D. in Computer Science at the
University of Grenoble (France), Laboratoire de Genie Informatique, in
the Computer Human Interaction team of Joelle Coutaz. His current
research interests include pen-based user interfaces, multimodal
software architectures, two-handed input and voice input.  He owns a
DEA in Computer Science applied to multimodal software architectures
for voice and mouse inputs. He is also a commercial Macintosh
application designer and developer, and teaching assistant in Computer
Science at the University of Grenoble.

T11: Frameworks: A Programmer's View of Developing Reusable
Software: Ralph Johnson, U. Illinois (USA)

Attendees will learn design and programming techniques that will make
their object-oriented software more reusable, no matter what language
they use.  These techniques include both patterns that reusable
object-oriented software often follows and ways to find those patterns
in software that is not as reusable as it should be.  They will be able
to use these techniques to make their current software more reusable.

Ralph Johnson has been actively using object-oriented technology ever
since he joined the faculty of the University of Illinos.  He has been
particularly interested in how to use object-oriented programming to
develop reusable software, and this talk distills what he has learned
building large systems in Smalltalk and C++.  He was workshop chair of
OOPSLA'90, panel chair of OOPSLA'91, and is tutorial chair of

T12: Testing O-O Software: Ed Berard, Berard Software
Engineering (USA)

The testing of object-oriented software is fundamentally different
from the testing of non-object-oriented software. For example:
    - Objects have state. Any testing of an object's functionality
      must take the pre and post states of that object. Further, the
      states of objects other than the one being tested may also
      have to be considered.
    - Encapsulation has an impact on integration testing, i.e., units
      are no longer mere functions, but are objects that often
      encapsulate several "functions."
    - Inheritance also has an impact on testing. Just because a
      method was properly tested in a generalization (e.g.,
      superclass, base class, or parent class) does not mean that it
      does not have to be re-tested in any specializations (e.g.,
      subclasses, derived classes, or child classes)
This tutorial will cover:
    - The differences and similarities between testing of
      non-object-oriented and object-oriented software.
    - A brief survey of testing techniques for object-oriented
    - The specification of test cases for object-oriented software.

Since 1982, Mr. Edward Berard has worked extensively in the area of
object-oriented software engineering. He has defined and formalized
many object-oriented concepts and techniques. Over and above applying
object-oriented software engineering to large, in-house projects, he
has provided consulting and training to a significant number of clients
worldwide.  In 1989, he established a newsgroup on the Internet for the
discussion of object-oriented technology in general.  His book, "Essays
on Object-Oriented Software Engineering, Volume 1" will be published by
Prentice-Hall in the fall of 1992.

T13: Theoretical Basis of O-O Methods: John Mitchell, Stanford
University. (USA)

This tutorial will begin with several motivating problems in the
analysis of object-oriented programs. A representative problem in error
(or type) analysis is to determine whether a program will produce
``message not understood'' when executed.  A representative problem is
reasoning about object-oriented programs is to determine, looking only
at a single class definition, whether a single method body may safely
be replaced by an alternate body without introducing errors into the
program. Due to the expressiveness of object-oriented languages, these
problems seem significantly harder than corresponding tasks for
Algol-like languages (for example).  In the second part of the
tutorial, we will survey some of the proposed foundational frameworks
for analyzing object-oriented programs and languages.  In addition to
providing the basis for solving some of our target problems, these
frameworks also suggest interesting extensions and variations  of
existing languages. We will conclude with a summary of directions for
further research in this area.

John Mitchell is Associate Professor of Computer Science at Stanford
University. His principal research interests are in theoretical
analysis of programming languages and programming language design, with
emphasis on type systems, object-oriented programming and   modular
program development.  He has also made research contributions in the
areas of lambda calculus, database theory, symbolic algorithms and
linear logic. He received a PhD from MIT in 1984 and spent four years
at AT&T Bell Laboratories before  moving to his current position. He is
the author of approximately 50 research publications.

T14: Introduction to O-O Database Systems: Won Kim, UniSQL, Inc. (USA)

The next generation of database systems will include support for
object-oriented data modelling. This tutorial consists of three parts:
an overview of object-oriented database systems, their applications,
and an exploration of their architecture. The overview includes an
historical context for object-oriented databases, a working definition
of object-oriented database system, a brief survey of currently
available systems, and areas of further research and experimentation.
The discussion on applications will highlight multimedia systems, and
computer-aided design and engineering systems. The exploration of
database system architecture examines the impact of object-oriented
concepts on such aspects of a database system as queries, secondary
indexing, concurrency control, authorisations, and in-memory object

Won Kim is the founder and President of UniSQL Inc., a next-generation
database corporation in Austin, Texas. Before founding UniSQL, he was a
Director of the Object-Oriented and Distributed Systems Laboratory at
MCC and the chief architect of the ORION series of object-oriented
database systems developed at MCC. He received his Ph.D. degree in
computer science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
His Ph.D. dissertation was on query processing in relational database
systems. He authored a book "Introduction to Object-Oriented Databases"
for MIT Press. He also co-edited two books: "Query Processing in
Database Systems" for Springer Verlag, and "Object-Oriented Concepts,
Databases and Applications" for Addison-Wesley. Dr. Kim is currently
the Chairman of ACM Special Interest Group on Management of Data.

T15: Object-Oriented Concurrent Programming: Klaus-Peter Lohr,
Freie Universitaet Berlin (Germany)

More than five years of research in object-oriented concurrent
programming have produced a wealth of proposals for new languages and
language extensions.  Some of those proposals favor radically new
approaches; others try to adapt and extend proven concepts from
procedural programming in order to facilitate the transition from
traditional concurrent programming into the object-oriented world.  The
notion of "active object" is central to most approaches since it allows
for a natural introduction of concurrency into object-based
programming.  However, the different language proposals exhibit a
considerable variety of mechanisms for object interaction; they also
differ in the flexibility and expressiveness of their features for
describing object behavior.

The tutorial will give a language-independent introduction into
object-oriented concurrent programming as well as an overview on the
main features of a few representative languages.  We will emphasize the
issues that are crucial to object-orientation: inheritance,
polymorphism and reuse.  Different approaches will be appraised with
regard to their potential for solving typical problems in concurrent
systems, including parallel programs and distributed systems.  Their
suitability for real-life software development beyond the research
laboratories will be examined.

Klaus-Peter Loehr is a professor computer science at the Freie
Universitaet Berlin. He is currently leading the project HERON on
distributed execution of object-oriented programs in heterogeneous

T16: The Object-Oriented Specification of real-time systems: Dino
Mandrioli, Polytechnico de Milano (Italy)

There is now an increasing consensus, though much debate is still
ongoing, that the use of formal methods, mainly in the early phases of
software life cycle, can help developing more reliable software.
Reliability is even more important in the case of real-time systems,
which, quite often, are part of safety critical systems such as plant
control systems, patient monitoring systems, etc. Despite this fact,
the field of real-time systems has been for a long time "the lost
real-time world" with no systematic design methods, assembly-level
programming, no scientific attention.  This tutorial presents a novel
approach to the specification of real-time systems. It is based on the
logic language TRIO, which is an extension of traditional temporal
logic. TRIO is provided with typical object-oriented features such as
inheritance and genericity. This is based on the belief that
object-oriented methods are as useful in the specification phase as
they are in the design phase.  After presenting the main features of
the specification language, the tutorial briefly describes the present
TRIO environment of automated tools.  The environment supports the
editing and the simulation of TRIO specifications (TRIO is executable)
and the automatic derivation of functional test cases. Its future
development is also discussed.  Finally a short report is given on
early experiences of TRIO application in the industrial environment.

Dino Mandrioli is Professor at the Politecnico di Milano. He is the
author of several books on different aspects of Software Engineering
and the co-editor of "Advances in Object-Oriented Software Engineering"
Prentice Hall (Prentice Hall Object-Oriented Series, 1991)

T17: O-O Type Systems: Suad Alagic, The University of Vermont at
Burlington (USA)

The tutorial will present an integrated view on types and type
systems.  It will demonstrate how to combine strong typing with subtype
and parametric polymorphism to achieve both flexibility and type
safety.  Modeling single and multiple inheritance in such type systems
will be presented. A particular emphasis will be placed on type systems
for database environments and the typing problems of the database
operators will be investigated. The role of higher-level abstractions
called kinds (types of types) will be explained together with examples
of specific kinds and their applications. The power of generic
(parametric) classes and modules when combined with type parameters
bound to kinds will be explored from the viewpoint of the integrated
approach to subtype and parametric polymorphism and inheritance. A
novel technology of type reflection will be explored together with the
role which it plays in object-oriented systems in achieving high
degrees of flexibility and polymorphism without sacrificing type
safety.  The implications of sophisticated type systems on the
lower-level library support will be discussed.

Professor Suad Alagic holds a Ph.D degree in Computer and Information
Science from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. He was a
Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Computer Science of the
University of Edinburgh. He wrote three books: The Design of
Well-Structured and Correct Programs (co-authored with Professor
Michael A. Arbib), Relational Database Technology and Object-Oriented
Database Programming published in the series Texts and Monographs in
Computer Science, Springer-Verlag. His is currently with the Department
of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering of the University of
Vermont at Burlington.

                         TUTORIAL TRACKS

For the convenience of participants, the following tutorial
sequences have been arranged to cover the most commonly
requested comibinations:

O-O Management issues: T1, T2, T3, T4
O-O Programming Languages: T5, T6, T7, T8
Techniques of O-O software development: T9, T10, T11, T12 or T17
Advanced topics (concurrency, typing,  real-time, databases, theory): T13, T14,
T15, T16 or T17

Attendees are, of course, free to choose another combination if their
interests span more than one area.

                       CONFERENCE PROGRAM - August 5-6

  Won Kim, UniSQL, Inc:
  "Object-Oriented Approach to Multimedia Management"

This talk will discuss why object-oriented approach is
good for multimedia data management (and will also show
why it is difficult to do it using relational databases),
and then show how it can be used to also manage multimedia devices.
Multimedia devices include input, storage, and output devices.

  Peter Deutsch, Sun Microsystems:
  "Objects: Challenges Beyond Languages and Applications"

People are now seriously applying design ideas common in object-oriented
software -- opaque interfaces, multiple implementations of an interface,
instantiation, inheritance -- to the design of operating systems,
especially open systems.  Where do our experiences with object-oriented
programming languages serve us well in these new environments, and where
may they lead us astray?


Chair: David Quarrie, CEBAF

"What 'what' is and isn't: On query languages for object-oriented
databases, or: Closing the Gap - again"
Erik Odberg
Division of Computer Systems and Telematics
Norwegian Institute of Technology

"An object-oriented framework for large scale geographic systems"
Fred Cohen
Bellcore (USA)

"Improving a software development environment using
object-oriented technology"
M.A. Firth, M.H. O'Docherty, R.E. Fields, S.K. Bechofer, T.C.  Nash,
ICL Corporate Systems Division (England)

Chair: Paul Jatkowski, Reuters

"Concurrency annotations improve reusability"
Klaus-Peter Loehr
Freie Universitaet Berlin

"A concurrency mechanism for sequential Eiffel"
Murat Karaorman, John Bruno
University of California
Santa Barbara (USA)

Session: Tools and Environments
Chair: Anthony Wasserman, IDE

"Building a graphical interface for a reuse-oriented CASE tool"
Hafedh Mili, Abdu Errahman El Wahidi, Yoav Intrator
University of Quebec at Montreal

"A layered-modelling tool for the integration of computer
Bart Luijten
TNO Building and Construction Research
The Netherlands

Bart Luiten
Delft University of Technology
The Netherlands

"A spiral model of OO rapid prototyping"
Michael L. Nelson, Ronald B. Byrnes
Naval Postgraduate School

Chair: Wolfgang Pree, Washington University

"SPECTalk: an object-oriented data specification language"
Duane Szafron
University of Alberta

"Reusability and life cycle issues within an object-oriented
Luis Fernando Capretz, Peter A. Lee
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom

"Class interface design"
James C. McKim, David A. Mondou
Hartford Graduate Center (USA)

Chair: Christian Stary, TU Wien

"Application of object-oriented simulation to the assessment
of military systems effectiveness"
William K. Stevens
Metron, Inc.  (USA)

"An object-oriented run control environment for the CEBAF
data acquisition system"
Graham Heyes, Edward Jastrzembski, David R. Quarrie, William A.

"Automating the development of syntax tree generators for an
evolving language"
Per Grape, Kim Walden
National Defence Research Establishment

Chair: David Butler, Limit Point Systems

"Getting class correctness and system correctness equivalent (How
get covariance right)"
Franz Weber
Universitaet Karlsruhe

"An operational metadata system for C++"
Peter-Alexander Pauw, Ronald Werring, Angelique Jansen
Vleermuis Software Research
The Netherlands

"Software complexity metrics for object-oriented programs"
Chandrashekar Rajamaran, Michael R. Lyu
The University of Iowa


1. Standardization in OOT:  How Far and How Much

This panel will present the current status of standards activities, issues
in standardization,  what to standardize and what cannot be standardized.

 Panel Moderator: Jim Maurer
            Communications of ACM

2. Incremental Development (Prototyping)

Why prototype an OO application, steps required, issues, and issue
resolution. How to apply the knowledge gained in prototyping in production

 Panel Moderator: Dr. Paul Matthews

3. OO Technology Application Integration

In real life an enterprise develop many applications independent to
each other, and at a later stage these application need to be integrated
for business needs. How to integrate different OO applications., issues,
to assist integration, industry  experiences etc.

 Panel Moderator: Dr. Anthony Materna
                        Data Integration Solutions

4. Migration to OO Technology

Why migrate to OOT, methodology, issues, migration cost and management
issues, cultural and technological changes required, experience derived
after migration.


One of the new features of TOOLS USA 92 is a set of
workshops on the following topics:

  - O-O Methods for scientific computation
  - User Interface Design
  - O-O in the MIS World
  - O-O Analysis and Design
  - Typing
  - O-O Data Base Management Systems

This will provide an innovative and exciting addition to the conference.

Should you be interested in submitting a contribution to any of
these workshops, please contact Raimund Ege,
School of Computer Science, Florida International University,
Miami, FL 33199, Phone: 305-348-3381, email:,
who will dispatch your proposal to the appropriate workshop

Social program available to Conference attendees at no extra cost:

Beach Barbecue (August 3, 6:00 pm): Extra tickets US$ 15 each
Reception and Concert (August 5, 6:30 pm): Extra tickets US$ 30 each

                            REGISTRATION FORM

FEES                               Before June 30   After June 30

Tutorials only*                        $690.00         790.00
Conference only                        $360.00         420.00
Tutorials and Conference               $980.00       1,120.00
Full Time Faculty (Tutorials only)     $450.00         500.00
Full Time Faculty (Conference only)    $250.00         300.00
Full Time Faculty (Conf. & Tutorials)  $690.00         790.00
Full Time Students (Tutorials only)    $200.00         250.00
Full Time Students (Conference)        $120.00         150.00
Full Time Students (Conf. & Tutorials) $300.00         350.00

*For pricing on individual tutorials, please call (805) 685-1006.

PRICES include a copy of the tutorial notes for each tutorial
attended, a copy of the conference proceedings for all conference
attendees, breaks, beach barbecue on Monday, August 3, open air classical
concert and
conference reception on Wednesday, August 5 as well as free access
to the exhibit.  Fee must be paid in US dollars. Payment must be made by
check, CREDIT CARD or international money order to TOOLS USA '92
and accompany the registration form. Substitutions will be accepted
at any time.  Written cancellations received by July 1 will be liable
to a 50 percent service fee. After this date there will be no refund.

LODGING: TOOLS USA '92 will be held at the University of California,
Santa Barbara. We encourage everyone to take advantage of the
on-campus housing package plan. UCSB's lodging facilities
overlook the ocean, and are located within a five minute walk from
dining and meeting facilities and the beach.  Rest rooms and
showers are located on each floor and daily maid/linen
service is provided. Parking on campus is included in the
package price. On-campus housing is provided by the packages
described below. Please check the appropriate box on the enrollment
application to reserve space. Confirmation and information will be
sent upon receipt of enrollment.

A) Five Night Package - Single Occupancy/Shared Bath - $310.00
    Includes housing Sunday-Thursday nights; breakfasts, lunches,
    dinners for four days

B) Five Night Package - Double Occupancy/Shared Bath - $250.00
    Includes housing Sunday-Thursday nights; breakfasts, lunches,
    dinners for four days

C) Three Night Package - Single Occupancy/Shared Bath - $190.00
    Includes housing Tuesday-Thursday nights; breakfasts, lunches
    for two days, dinners for three days

D) Three Night Package - Double Occupancy/Shared Bath - $150.00
    Includes housing Tuesday-Thursday nights; breakfasts, lunches
    for two days, dinners for three days

E) Two Night Package - Single Occupancy/Shared Bath - $130.00
    Includes housing Tuesday-Wednesday nights; breakfasts, lunches
    for two days, one dinner

F) Two Night Package - Double Occupancy/Shared Bath - $100.00
    Includes housing Tuesday-Wednesday nights; breakfasts, lunches
    for two days, one dinner

Two bedroom apartments are available for the week (Sunday, August 2
through Saturday, August 8) with no meals included for $450.00

For off-campus housing, the TOOLS organizers have selected the
following hotels:

Quality Suites, (805) 683-6722; South Coast Inn, (805) 967-3200;
Holiday Inn, (805) 964-6241;
Please identify yourself as a TOOLS attendee when registering.

Persons staying off campus are advised to have access to a
car. There is a $3 daily charge for parking on campus.

Santa Barbara is served by the United/United Express,
American/American Eagle, America West, US Air Express, Sky West,
and the Delta Connection. The airport is less than five minutes from
campus and is fifteen minutes from downtown Santa Barbara. Free
shuttle service from the airport to the campus is available by
calling (805) 893-2469 upon arrival.  American Airlines, (800)
433-1790 has been selected as
TOOLS USA '92 preferred airline carrier for domestic flights.
For more information, please contact International Travel of
Santa Barbara, (800) 383-2116.

Please circle the tutorial(s) you wish to attend:

T1   T2   T3   T4   T5   T6   T7   T8
T9   T10  T11  T12  T13  T14  T15  T16 T17

I wish to attend (check box):

/ /  Conference
/ /  Conference & Tutorial
/ /  Barbecue at the beach
_____ extra tickets at $15 each
/ /  Conference Dinner
_____ extra tickets at $30 each


Tutorials: ___________  Conference: __________ $___________________
Lodging: Package A , B, C, D, E, F             $ __________________
Apartment                                      $ __________________
                                         Total $ __________________

/ / Check or International money order
/ / VISA     / / Mastercard   / / American Express

Card Number _______________________________ Exp.  ____________________

 Signature ___________________________________________________________

/ /  My company is interested in exhibiting. Send exhibitor kit.

   Name and address (please type, or attach business card):

Name _______________________________________________________________

 Name ______________________________________________________________

 Address ___________________________________________________________

City _______________________________ STATE ____________ ZIP __________

Phone ____________________________   Fax ___________________________

Send payment & registration form to:
Attention: KREBS Convention Management Services
Pioneer Square, Suite 220
555 De Haro Street
San Francisco, CA 94107-2348 (USA)
Phone: 415-255-1295, Fax: 415-255-8496

For further information, please contact:
Phone: (805) 685-1006  Fax: (805) 685-6869, Email:

Raimund K. Ege                             School of Computer Science
                                             Florida Int'l University           (305) 348-3381              University Park
ege@servax.bitnet     FAX (305) 348-3549              Miami, FL 33199

Author: (Dr. Raimund K. Ege)
Date: 29 May 92 17:41:52 GMT
Raw View

                          TOOLS USA '92

                    Technology of Object-Oriented
                        Languages and Systems


             Santa Barbara, California, August 3-6, 1992


Program Chair: Raimund Ege, Florida International University
Conference Chair: Bertrand Meyer, ISE
Panel Chair: Madhu Singh, Bellcore


                  Interactive Software Engineering (USA)

               Florida International University (USA)

PANEL CHAIR: Madhu Singh
             Bellcore (USA)

Program Committee members:

Brian Henderson-Sellers
University of Technology, Sydney (Australia)

Farah Arefi
Florida International University (USA)

Richard Bielak
Bank of New York (USA)

Grady Booch
Rational (USA)

John Bruno
U. California, Santa Barbara (USA)

Dave Butler
Limit Point Systems (USA)

Mark Grossman
Bellcore (USA)

Paul Jatkowski
Reuters Client Site Systems (USA)

Bob Marcus
Boeing Computer Services (USA)

James McKim
Hartford Graduate Center (USA)

Masoud Milani
Florida International University (USA)

John Mitchell
Stanford University (USA)

Arne Nilsson
Telesoft AB (Sweden)

Hiroshi Nishimura
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories (USA)

John Potter
University of Technology, Sydney (Australia)

Wolfgang Pree
Washington University (USA)

David Quarrie

David Rine
George Mason University (USA)

Sergiu Simmel
Oberon Software (USA)

Christian Stary
Institut fuer Angewandte Informatik und Systemanalyse (Austria)

Anthony I. Wasserman
Interactive Development Environments (USA)

                         TUTORIAL PROGRAM - August 3-4

T1: O-O Management: Bertrand Meyer, ISE (USA)

This tutorial is designed for managers of MIS departments, directors of
research and development, project leaders and others interested in obtaining
an overview of the key aspects of object-oriented technology. It introduces
the key techniques of object-oriented analysis, design and programming,
examining their impact on the software lifecycle and development process,
including economic, personnel and organizational aspects. It also presents
strategies for introducing object-oriented techniques into an organization.

Bertrand Meyer, President of Interactive Software Engineering (Santa
Barbara), is the author of numerous articles and books on O-O
technology and programming techniques, including ``Object-Oriented
Software Construction'' (Prentice Hall, 1988), ``Introduction to the
Theory of Programming Languages'' (Prentice Hall, 1990), and ``Eiffel:
The Language'' (Prentice Hall, 1991). He is Series Editor for Prentice
Hall's Object-Oriented Series.  Dr. Meyer holds an MS from Stanford, an
Engineer's degree from Ecole Polytechnique, and a PhD from the
University of Nancy.

T2: O-O Analysis & Design: Kim Walden, Enea Data (Sweden)

O-O analysis techniques can be used to create a high-level
architecture for an application, which directly models the problem
domain and allows seemless transition to implementation in an
O-O language.  In contrast to other approaches, no paradigm shift
is involved here; the same O-O abstraction principles apply

The tutorial gives an overview of BON, a method comprising a set
of guidelines and notations for O-O analysis and design, drawn
from practical experience and directly targeted at reusability.
Other existing O-O techniques are also reviewed.  A small case
study is used to explain the successive methodological steps.

Kim Walden has more than twenty years experience with industrial
software development.  He was early exposed to O-O ideas, and was
on the team developing the DEC Simula compiler in the
mid-seventies.  During the eighties he has been involved in software
engineering research and education, and since 1988 he is senior O-O
consultant at Enea Data, a technical software consultancy company
in Sweden.  He holds a PhD from the Royal Institute of Technology,

T3: O-O in the MIS World: Jean-Marc Nerson, SOL (France)

MIS (Management Information Systems), also known as Commercial Data
Processing, Business Computing, and sometimes as the ``COBOL world'',
is one of the oldest areas of applications of computers and by far the
most important from an economic perspective, being often estimated to
account for 60 to 80% of all computer expenditures.  Because of the
specific nature of this area and of the weight of tradition,
object-oriented techniques have so far only modest incursions into MIS.
Yet many see this field as one of the most promising areas of
application for O-O techniques, for a combination of technical,
business and cultural reasons, which the presentation will explore. The
seminar analyzes the specific nature of MIS developments, review
briefly the history of technical advances in this field, and discuss
the possible contributions of O-O technology to MIS. It also analyzes
the obstacles and pitfalls that may delay or jeopardize the success of
O-O technology to MIS; it offers remedies to these problems, and a set
of recommendations for any company that is contemplating the move to
object-orientedness for MIS applications.  It presents the results of
current developments of commercial applications using O-O methods.

Jean-Marc Nerson is  Director of SOL (Paris).  He is the technical
leader for SOL in the *Business Class* project of the EEC's Esprit
program, a 640 man x months project, one of the largest O-O projects in
the world, specifically devoted to the development of tools and methods
for making object-orientedness a success in the MIS world.  Dr. Nerson
holds a Master's degree in engineering from ENSEEIHT, a PhD from ENST,
and a business-administration degree from l'Id'A ( Paris-Sorbonne).  As
an engineer at Thompson until 1985, he participated in the design and
foundation of a software engineering workbench.  He has lectured widely
on software engineering and object-oriented technology, and acted as
program committee member for several conferences.

T4: Teaching O-O Programming & Design: James McKim,
Hartford Graduate Center (USA)

The Object Oriented Paradigm is touted as a software development
methodology that promotes reuse, models the problem space, facilitates
maintenance, incorporates changes easily, shortens the development
lifecycle, encourages good software engineering techniques, and cures
the common cold. A course in Object Oriented Programming and Design
should address these claims.  One way (perhaps the only way) for
students of the paradigm to test such claims is to build a small but
high quality product as part of the course.

This tutorial will address such issues as:  picking a reasonable and
appropriate project to build, whether and how students should work in
teams, keeping students from dropping too far behind or getting
dangerously far ahead, dividing a project into a sequence of reasonable
deliverables within the context of a one semester course and just what
the deliverables should be.  Two "case studies" of courses taught in
this format will be presented. Scaling the approach down to short
courses appropriate for industry will also be discussed.

James C. McKim is a professor of Computer Science at the Hartford
Graduate Center and has more than twenty years experience teaching
mathematics and computer science. He has authored, coauthored and
reviewed a number of textbooks and articles in both areas.  His
research interests include object-oriented programming and design in
general, and class interface specification in particular.

T5: O-O Programming Languages: Raimund Ege, Florida
International University. (USA)

"Which object-oriented programming language is best suited for various
programming needs in a modern computing environment?" The tutorial
answers this question with a detailed look at the features of major
object-oriented languages.  C++, Eiffel, Object-Pascal, Objective-C and
Smalltalk are examined in detail.  They are compared on how they
support and enforce basic object-oriented principles (object/class,
inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism, memory management), as well
as their effectiveness to support modern software engineering
techniques.  The tutorial presents an outlook on current research-level
object-oriented programming languages.  Attendees are assumed to have a
basic understanding of object-oriented programming and its advantages.

Dr. Raimund K. Ege, author of "Programming in an Object-Oriented
Environment" (Academic Press, 1992), has presented many successful
tutorials on object-oriented concepts at major international
conferences.  He received his Ph.D. degree in computer science from the
Oregon Graduate Institute of Science & Technology in 1987.  He is
currently an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Florida
International University, Miami, Florida. He is an active researcher in
the area of object-oriented concepts, and their application to
programming, user interfaces, databases, simulation andsoftware

T6: O-O Programming in Modula-3: Samuel Harbison, Pine Creek

Modula-3 is a strongly-typed language designed by DEC and Olivetti in
the late 1980's. It includes practical facilities for OOP, exceptions,
generics, parallelism, and garbage collection, but its clean design and
run-time safety make it easy to learn and use.  Modula-3 is
increasingly popular for teaching, where it replaces less expressive
languages such as Modula-2, and for research and commercial
applications that emphasize reliability and maintainability.
Implementations of Modula-3 are freely available on the Internet.

Topics to be covered:  The objectives of Modula-3: simplicity, safety,
effectiveness; overview of the Modula-3 language; abstraction with
interfaces and modules; classes and the Modula-3 type system; making
classes and modules support each other; information hiding with opaque
types; run-time safety: at what cost?; the SRC Modula-3 system and
library; contrasting the costs and benefits of Modula-3, Ada, and C++.

Dr. Samuel Harbison is the president of Pine Creek Software and a
consultant specializing in programming languages and environments.  For
the last two years he has been working with Digital Equipment
Corporation on the Modula-3 programming language. Before founding Pine
Creek Software, Dr. Harbison was a vice president at Tartan, Inc., a
software company specializing in optimizing compilers for Ada. He has
been active on several programming language standards committees and is
the author of several papers and books, including C: A Reference Manual
(3rd ed., Prentice Hall, 1991) and Modula-3 (Prentice Hall, 1992). Dr.
Harbison holds an A.B.  degree in mathematics form Princeton University
and a Ph.D.  in computer science from Carnegie Mellon University.
Software (USA)

T7: O-O Programming in Ada83 and Ada9X: Henry Baker, Nimble
Computer (USA)

Ada's use has been mandated by Congress unless cost-ineffective, yet
Ada83 does not readily support a key technology for reducing software
costs-object-oriented programming. This tutorial will review various
styles of object-oriented programming in Ada, including preprocessor
approaches (e.g., Classic-Ada), "bare" Ada83, and the new facilities of
Ada9X. Topics to be covered include: object identity, types and
classes, single and multiple inheritance, polymorphism, dynamic storage
management and real-time garbage collection, "Actor"-like parallelism
and message-passing, and persistence (object-oriented databases).

Dr. Henry Baker is president of the four-year old Nimble Computer
Corporation, a Los Angeles-based software R&D and consulting firm,
whose clients have included the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Air
Force, the U.S. Army, Lockheed Corporation and Alliant Computer, with
projects in systems software and compilers. Prior to founding Nimble,
Dr. Baker was founder of Symbolics, Inc., the leader in sophisticated
workstations for AI software development. Dr. Baker received his
doctorate degree from M.I.T.  in 1978 in parallel models of non-numeric
computation and was Assistant Professor at the University of Rochester
for three years.

T8: Developing Scientific Software with Eiffel: David Butler,
Limit Point Systems (USA)

This tutorial demonstrates the use of Eiffel for developing
mathematical data types fundamental to scientific computation and
visualization. Emphasis will be placed on Eiffel`s ability to directly
express the type structures of the mathematical formalisms commonly
used in the physical sciences. The use of Eiffel's unique mechanisms,
such as deferred classes, assertions, and constrained genericity, as
well as the use of standard object-oriented techniques such as
classification, specialization and aggregation, will be discussed.
Examples will be drawn from computation and visualization in contexts
ranging from small scale data analysis on workstations to current
research in large scale, "Grand Challenge" style simulation on
massively parallel platforms.

David Butler is the principal at Limit Point Systems, a consulting
company specializing in software for scientific applications. He has a
PhD in physics and fifteen years experience developing scientific
software in a variety of pure and applied domains ranging from
theoretical statistical mechanics to medical imaging and seismic
prospecting. Over the last five years, he has worked extensively with
Sandia National Laboratories in Livermore, California, applying Eiffel
to large scale scientific computation and visualization.

T9: Constraint-Based Language and Systems: Alan Borning, U.
(USA) and Bjorn Freeman-Benson, U. Victoria (Canada)

A constraint is a relation that should be satisfied, for example, that
a line remain horizontal, that a resistor in an electrical circuit
simulation obey Ohm's Law, or that the height of a bar in a bar chart
be proportional to some number in an application program.  Constraints
have been used in a variety of languages and systems, particularly in
user interface toolkits, in planning and scheduling, and in
simulation.  Constraint hierarchies,which consist of both required and
preferential constraints, add additional power to constraint systems.

The tutorial will cover the following topics:  - constraints -
constraint hierarchies - algorithms for constraint satisfaction -
embedding constraints in object-oriented languages - constraints and
logic programming

Alan Borning received his Ph.D. from Stanford University in 1979, doing
his dissertation research with Alan Kay and the Learning Research Group
at Xerox PARC.  He has been at the University of Washington since 1980,
where he is currently an Associate Professor.  His research interests
are in object-oriented languages, constraint-based languages and
systems, and user interfaces.

Bjorn Freeman-Benson received his Ph.D. from the Department of Computer
Science and Engineering at the University of Washington in 1991 where
his dissertation was on Constraint Imperative Programming languages.
He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer
Science at the University of Victoria.  He has also been a Visiting
Scholar at the University of Nantes in France, and a Software Engineer
and Project Lead at Data I/O in Redmond, Washington.

T10: O-O Design for User Interfaces: Arno Gourdol, University of Grenoble

The process of designing and constructing user interfaces is critical
to building systems that satisfy the user's needs, both current and
future. The development of a user interface is still an art, not yet a
science, but scientific knowledge does exist of both human and computer

This tutorial summarizes the state of the art in the domain of computer
human interaction. This domain is driven by progress in two scientific
fields: cognitive psychology and computer science. The tutorial
explains some of the implications of cognitive psychology and human
factors on software engineering principles and design methods. The
presentation is organized in two parts: part one is concerned with the
design process. It identifies the contribution of cognitive psychology
and human factors to design methods and presents the implications on
software architecture. Part two is concerned with the contribution of
software tools and the object-oriented paradigm to the development of
interactive systems: toolkits, application frameworks and

Arno P.J. Gourdol, is preparing a Ph.D. in Computer Science at the
University of Grenoble (France), Laboratoire de Genie Informatique, in
the Computer Human Interaction team of Joelle Coutaz. His current
research interests include pen-based user interfaces, multimodal
software architectures, two-handed input and voice input.  He owns a
DEA in Computer Science applied to multimodal software architectures
for voice and mouse inputs. He is also a commercial Macintosh
application designer and developer, and teaching assistant in Computer
Science at the University of Grenoble.

T11: Frameworks: A Programmer's View of Developing Reusable
Software: Ralph Johnson, U. Illinois (USA)

Attendees will learn design and programming techniques that will make
their object-oriented software more reusable, no matter what language
they use.  These techniques include both patterns that reusable
object-oriented software often follows and ways to find those patterns
in software that is not as reusable as it should be.  They will be able
to use these techniques to make their current software more reusable.

Ralph Johnson has been actively using object-oriented technology ever
since he joined the faculty of the University of Illinos.  He has been
particularly interested in how to use object-oriented programming to
develop reusable software, and this talk distills what he has learned
building large systems in Smalltalk and C++.  He was workshop chair of
OOPSLA'90, panel chair of OOPSLA'91, and is tutorial chair of

T12: Testing O-O Software: Ed Berard, Berard Software
Engineering (USA)

The testing of object-oriented software is fundamentally different
from the testing of non-object-oriented software. For example:
    - Objects have state. Any testing of an object's functionality
      must take the pre and post states of that object. Further, the
      states of objects other than the one being tested may also
      have to be considered.
    - Encapsulation has an impact on integration testing, i.e., units
      are no longer mere functions, but are objects that often
      encapsulate several "functions."
    - Inheritance also has an impact on testing. Just because a
      method was properly tested in a generalization (e.g.,
      superclass, base class, or parent class) does not mean that it
      does not have to be re-tested in any specializations (e.g.,
      subclasses, derived classes, or child classes)
This tutorial will cover:
    - The differences and similarities between testing of
      non-object-oriented and object-oriented software.
    - A brief survey of testing techniques for object-oriented
    - The specification of test cases for object-oriented software.

Since 1982, Mr. Edward Berard has worked extensively in the area of
object-oriented software engineering. He has defined and formalized
many object-oriented concepts and techniques. Over and above applying
object-oriented software engineering to large, in-house projects, he
has provided consulting and training to a significant number of clients
worldwide.  In 1989, he established a newsgroup on the Internet for the
discussion of object-oriented technology in general.  His book, "Essays
on Object-Oriented Software Engineering, Volume 1" will be published by
Prentice-Hall in the fall of 1992.

T13: Theoretical Basis of O-O Methods: John Mitchell, Stanford
University. (USA)

This tutorial will begin with several motivating problems in the
analysis of object-oriented programs. A representative problem in error
(or type) analysis is to determine whether a program will produce
``message not understood'' when executed.  A representative problem is
reasoning about object-oriented programs is to determine, looking only
at a single class definition, whether a single method body may safely
be replaced by an alternate body without introducing errors into the
program. Due to the expressiveness of object-oriented languages, these
problems seem significantly harder than corresponding tasks for
Algol-like languages (for example).  In the second part of the
tutorial, we will survey some of the proposed foundational frameworks
for analyzing object-oriented programs and languages.  In addition to
providing the basis for solving some of our target problems, these
frameworks also suggest interesting extensions and variations  of
existing languages. We will conclude with a summary of directions for
further research in this area.

John Mitchell is Associate Professor of Computer Science at Stanford
University. His principal research interests are in theoretical
analysis of programming languages and programming language design, with
emphasis on type systems, object-oriented programming and   modular
program development.  He has also made research contributions in the
areas of lambda calculus, database theory, symbolic algorithms and
linear logic. He received a PhD from MIT in 1984 and spent four years
at AT&T Bell Laboratories before  moving to his current position. He is
the author of approximately 50 research publications.

T14: Introduction to O-O Database Systems: Won Kim, UniSQL, Inc. (USA)

The next generation of database systems will include support for
object-oriented data modelling. This tutorial consists of three parts:
an overview of object-oriented database systems, their applications,
and an exploration of their architecture. The overview includes an
historical context for object-oriented databases, a working definition
of object-oriented database system, a brief survey of currently
available systems, and areas of further research and experimentation.
The discussion on applications will highlight multimedia systems, and
computer-aided design and engineering systems. The exploration of
database system architecture examines the impact of object-oriented
concepts on such aspects of a database system as queries, secondary
indexing, concurrency control, authorisations, and in-memory object

Won Kim is the founder and President of UniSQL Inc., a next-generation
database corporation in Austin, Texas. Before founding UniSQL, he was a
Director of the Object-Oriented and Distributed Systems Laboratory at
MCC and the chief architect of the ORION series of object-oriented
database systems developed at MCC. He received his Ph.D. degree in
computer science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
His Ph.D. dissertation was on query processing in relational database
systems. He authored a book "Introduction to Object-Oriented Databases"
for MIT Press. He also co-edited two books: "Query Processing in
Database Systems" for Springer Verlag, and "Object-Oriented Concepts,
Databases and Applications" for Addison-Wesley. Dr. Kim is currently
the Chairman of ACM Special Interest Group on Management of Data.

T15: Object-Oriented Concurrent Programming: Klaus-Peter Lohr,
Freie Universitaet Berlin (Germany)

More than five years of research in object-oriented concurrent
programming have produced a wealth of proposals for new languages and
language extensions.  Some of those proposals favor radically new
approaches; others try to adapt and extend proven concepts from
procedural programming in order to facilitate the transition from
traditional concurrent programming into the object-oriented world.  The
notion of "active object" is central to most approaches since it allows
for a natural introduction of concurrency into object-based
programming.  However, the different language proposals exhibit a
considerable variety of mechanisms for object interaction; they also
differ in the flexibility and expressiveness of their features for
describing object behavior.

The tutorial will give a language-independent introduction into
object-oriented concurrent programming as well as an overview on the
main features of a few representative languages.  We will emphasize the
issues that are crucial to object-orientation: inheritance,
polymorphism and reuse.  Different approaches will be appraised with
regard to their potential for solving typical problems in concurrent
systems, including parallel programs and distributed systems.  Their
suitability for real-life software development beyond the research
laboratories will be examined.

Klaus-Peter Loehr is a professor computer science at the Freie
Universitaet Berlin. He is currently leading the project HERON on
distributed execution of object-oriented programs in heterogeneous

T16: The Object-Oriented Specification of real-time systems: Dino
Mandrioli, Polytechnico de Milano (Italy)

There is now an increasing consensus, though much debate is still
ongoing, that the use of formal methods, mainly in the early phases of
software life cycle, can help developing more reliable software.
Reliability is even more important in the case of real-time systems,
which, quite often, are part of safety critical systems such as plant
control systems, patient monitoring systems, etc. Despite this fact,
the field of real-time systems has been for a long time "the lost
real-time world" with no systematic design methods, assembly-level
programming, no scientific attention.  This tutorial presents a novel
approach to the specification of real-time systems. It is based on the
logic language TRIO, which is an extension of traditional temporal
logic. TRIO is provided with typical object-oriented features such as
inheritance and genericity. This is based on the belief that
object-oriented methods are as useful in the specification phase as
they are in the design phase.  After presenting the main features of
the specification language, the tutorial briefly describes the present
TRIO environment of automated tools.  The environment supports the
editing and the simulation of TRIO specifications (TRIO is executable)
and the automatic derivation of functional test cases. Its future
development is also discussed.  Finally a short report is given on
early experiences of TRIO application in the industrial environment.

Dino Mandrioli is Professor at the Politecnico di Milano. He is the
author of several books on different aspects of Software Engineering
and the co-editor of "Advances in Object-Oriented Software Engineering"
Prentice Hall (Prentice Hall Object-Oriented Series, 1991)

T17: O-O Type Systems: Suad Alagic, The University of Vermont at
Burlington (USA)

The tutorial will present an integrated view on types and type
systems.  It will demonstrate how to combine strong typing with subtype
and parametric polymorphism to achieve both flexibility and type
safety.  Modeling single and multiple inheritance in such type systems
will be presented. A particular emphasis will be placed on type systems
for database environments and the typing problems of the database
operators will be investigated. The role of higher-level abstractions
called kinds (types of types) will be explained together with examples
of specific kinds and their applications. The power of generic
(parametric) classes and modules when combined with type parameters
bound to kinds will be explored from the viewpoint of the integrated
approach to subtype and parametric polymorphism and inheritance. A
novel technology of type reflection will be explored together with the
role which it plays in object-oriented systems in achieving high
degrees of flexibility and polymorphism without sacrificing type
safety.  The implications of sophisticated type systems on the
lower-level library support will be discussed.

Professor Suad Alagic holds a Ph.D degree in Computer and Information
Science from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. He was a
Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Computer Science of the
University of Edinburgh. He wrote three books: The Design of
Well-Structured and Correct Programs (co-authored with Professor
Michael A. Arbib), Relational Database Technology and Object-Oriented
Database Programming published in the series Texts and Monographs in
Computer Science, Springer-Verlag. His is currently with the Department
of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering of the University of
Vermont at Burlington.

                         TUTORIAL TRACKS

For the convenience of participants, the following tutorial
sequences have been arranged to cover the most commonly
requested comibinations:

O-O Management issues: T1, T2, T3, T4
O-O Programming Languages: T5, T6, T7, T8
Techniques of O-O software development: T9, T10, T11, T12 or T17
Advanced topics (concurrency, typing,  real-time, databases, theory): T13, T14,
T15, T16 or T17

Attendees are, of course, free to choose another combination if their
interests span more than one area.

                       CONFERENCE PROGRAM - August 5-6

  Won Kim, UniSQL, Inc:
  "Object-Oriented Approach to Multimedia Management"

This talk will discuss why object-oriented approach is
good for multimedia data management (and will also show
why it is difficult to do it using relational databases),
and then show how it can be used to also manage multimedia devices.
Multimedia devices include input, storage, and output devices.

  Peter Deutsch, Sun Microsystems:
  "Objects: Challenges Beyond Languages and Applications"

People are now seriously applying design ideas common in object-oriented
software -- opaque interfaces, multiple implementations of an interface,
instantiation, inheritance -- to the design of operating systems,
especially open systems.  Where do our experiences with object-oriented
programming languages serve us well in these new environments, and where
may they lead us astray?


Chair: David Quarrie, CEBAF

"What 'what' is and isn't: On query languages for object-oriented
databases, or: Closing the Gap - again"
Erik Odberg
Division of Computer Systems and Telematics
Norwegian Institute of Technology

"An object-oriented framework for large scale geographic systems"
Fred Cohen
Bellcore (USA)

"Improving a software development environment using
object-oriented technology"
M.A. Firth, M.H. O'Docherty, R.E. Fields, S.K. Bechofer, T.C.  Nash,
ICL Corporate Systems Division (England)

Chair: Paul Jatkowski, Reuters

"Concurrency annotations improve reusability"
Klaus-Peter Loehr
Freie Universitaet Berlin

"A concurrency mechanism for sequential Eiffel"
Murat Karaorman, John Bruno
University of California
Santa Barbara (USA)

Session: Tools and Environments
Chair: Anthony Wasserman, IDE

"Building a graphical interface for a reuse-oriented CASE tool"
Hafedh Mili, Abdu Errahman El Wahidi, Yoav Intrator
University of Quebec at Montreal

"A layered-modelling tool for the integration of computer
Bart Luijten
TNO Building and Construction Research
The Netherlands

Bart Luiten
Delft University of Technology
The Netherlands

"A spiral model of OO rapid prototyping"
Michael L. Nelson, Ronald B. Byrnes
Naval Postgraduate School

Chair: Wolfgang Pree, Washington University

"SPECTalk: an object-oriented data specification language"
Duane Szafron
University of Alberta

"Reusability and life cycle issues within an object-oriented
Luis Fernando Capretz, Peter A. Lee
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom

"Class interface design"
James C. McKim, David A. Mondou
Hartford Graduate Center (USA)

Chair: Christian Stary, TU Wien

"Application of object-oriented simulation to the assessment
of military systems effectiveness"
William K. Stevens
Metron, Inc.  (USA)

"An object-oriented run control environment for the CEBAF
data acquisition system"
Graham Heyes, Edward Jastrzembski, David R. Quarrie, William A.

"Automating the development of syntax tree generators for an
evolving language"
Per Grape, Kim Walden
National Defence Research Establishment

Chair: David Butler, Limit Point Systems

"Getting class correctness and system correctness equivalent (How
get covariance right)"
Franz Weber
Universitaet Karlsruhe

"An operational metadata system for C++"
Peter-Alexander Pauw, Ronald Werring, Angelique Jansen
Vleermuis Software Research
The Netherlands

"Software complexity metrics for object-oriented programs"
Chandrashekar Rajamaran, Michael R. Lyu
The University of Iowa


1. Standardization in OOT:  How Far and How Much

This panel will present the current status of standards activities, issues
in standardization,  what to standardize and what cannot be standardized.

 Panel Moderator: Jim Maurer
            Communications of ACM

2. Incremental Development (Prototyping)

Why prototype an OO application, steps required, issues, and issue
resolution. How to apply the knowledge gained in prototyping in production

 Panel Moderator: Dr. Paul Matthews

3. OO Technology Application Integration

In real life an enterprise develop many applications independent to
each other, and at a later stage these application need to be integrated
for business needs. How to integrate different OO applications., issues,
to assist integration, industry  experiences etc.

 Panel Moderator: Dr. Anthony Materna
                        Data Integration Solutions

4. Migration to OO Technology

Why migrate to OOT, methodology, issues, migration cost and management
issues, cultural and technological changes required, experience derived
after migration.


One of the new features of TOOLS USA 92 is a set of
workshops on the following topics:

  - O-O Methods for scientific computation
  - User Interface Design
  - O-O in the MIS World
  - O-O Analysis and Design
  - Typing
  - O-O Data Base Management Systems

This will provide an innovative and exciting addition to the conference.

Should you be interested in submitting a contribution to any of
these workshops, please contact Raimund Ege,
School of Computer Science, Florida International University,
Miami, FL 33199, Phone: 305-348-3381, email:,
who will dispatch your proposal to the appropriate workshop

Social program available to Conference attendees at no extra cost:

Beach Barbecue (August 3, 6:00 pm): Extra tickets US$ 15 each
Reception and Concert (August 5, 6:30 pm): Extra tickets US$ 30 each

                            REGISTRATION FORM

FEES                               Before June 30   After June 30

Tutorials only*                        $690.00         790.00
Conference only                        $360.00         420.00
Tutorials and Conference               $980.00       1,120.00
Full Time Faculty (Tutorials only)     $450.00         500.00
Full Time Faculty (Conference only)    $250.00         300.00
Full Time Faculty (Conf. & Tutorials)  $690.00         790.00
Full Time Students (Tutorials only)    $200.00         250.00
Full Time Students (Conference)        $120.00         150.00
Full Time Students (Conf. & Tutorials) $300.00         350.00

*For pricing on individual tutorials, please call (805) 685-1006.

PRICES include a copy of the tutorial notes for each tutorial
attended, a copy of the conference proceedings for all conference
attendees, breaks, beach barbecue on Monday, August 3, open air classical
concert and
conference reception on Wednesday, August 5 as well as free access
to the exhibit.  Fee must be paid in US dollars. Payment must be made by
check, CREDIT CARD or international money order to TOOLS USA '92
and accompany the registration form. Substitutions will be accepted
at any time.  Written cancellations received by July 1 will be liable
to a 50 percent service fee. After this date there will be no refund.

LODGING: TOOLS USA '92 will be held at the University of California,
Santa Barbara. We encourage everyone to take advantage of the
on-campus housing package plan. UCSB's lodging facilities
overlook the ocean, and are located within a five minute walk from
dining and meeting facilities and the beach.  Rest rooms and
showers are located on each floor and daily maid/linen
service is provided. Parking on campus is included in the
package price. On-campus housing is provided by the packages
described below. Please check the appropriate box on the enrollment
application to reserve space. Confirmation and information will be
sent upon receipt of enrollment.

A) Five Night Package - Single Occupancy/Shared Bath - $310.00
    Includes housing Sunday-Thursday nights; breakfasts, lunches,
    dinners for four days

B) Five Night Package - Double Occupancy/Shared Bath - $250.00
    Includes housing Sunday-Thursday nights; breakfasts, lunches,
    dinners for four days

C) Three Night Package - Single Occupancy/Shared Bath - $190.00
    Includes housing Tuesday-Thursday nights; breakfasts, lunches
    for two days, dinners for three days

D) Three Night Package - Double Occupancy/Shared Bath - $150.00
    Includes housing Tuesday-Thursday nights; breakfasts, lunches
    for two days, dinners for three days

E) Two Night Package - Single Occupancy/Shared Bath - $130.00
    Includes housing Tuesday-Wednesday nights; breakfasts, lunches
    for two days, one dinner

F) Two Night Package - Double Occupancy/Shared Bath - $100.00
    Includes housing Tuesday-Wednesday nights; breakfasts, lunches
    for two days, one dinner

Two bedroom apartments are available for the week (Sunday, August 2
through Saturday, August 8) with no meals included for $450.00

For off-campus housing, the TOOLS organizers have selected the
following hotels:

Quality Suites, (805) 683-6722; South Coast Inn, (805) 967-3200;
Holiday Inn, (805) 964-6241;
Please identify yourself as a TOOLS attendee when registering.

Persons staying off campus are advised to have access to a
car. There is a $3 daily charge for parking on campus.

Santa Barbara is served by the United/United Express,
American/American Eagle, America West, US Air Express, Sky West,
and the Delta Connection. The airport is less than five minutes from
campus and is fifteen minutes from downtown Santa Barbara. Free
shuttle service from the airport to the campus is available by
calling (805) 893-2469 upon arrival.  American Airlines, (800)
433-1790 has been selected as
TOOLS USA '92 preferred airline carrier for domestic flights.
For more information, please contact International Travel of
Santa Barbara, (800) 383-2116.

Please circle the tutorial(s) you wish to attend:

T1   T2   T3   T4   T5   T6   T7   T8
T9   T10  T11  T12  T13  T14  T15  T16 T17

I wish to attend (check box):

/ /  Conference
/ /  Conference & Tutorial
/ /  Barbecue at the beach
_____ extra tickets at $15 each
/ /  Conference Dinner
_____ extra tickets at $30 each


Tutorials: ___________  Conference: __________ $___________________
Lodging: Package A , B, C, D, E, F             $ __________________
Apartment                                      $ __________________
                                         Total $ __________________

/ / Check or International money order
/ / VISA     / / Mastercard   / / American Express

Card Number _______________________________ Exp.  ____________________

 Signature ___________________________________________________________

/ /  My company is interested in exhibiting. Send exhibitor kit.

   Name and address (please type, or attach business card):

Name _______________________________________________________________

 Name ______________________________________________________________

 Address ___________________________________________________________

City _______________________________ STATE ____________ ZIP __________

Phone ____________________________   Fax ___________________________

Send payment & registration form to:
Attention: KREBS Convention Management Services
Pioneer Square, Suite 220
555 De Haro Street
San Francisco, CA 94107-2348 (USA)
Phone: 415-255-1295, Fax: 415-255-8496

For further information, please contact:
Phone: (805) 685-1006  Fax: (805) 685-6869, Email:

Raimund K. Ege                             School of Computer Science
                                             Florida Int'l University           (305) 348-3381              University Park
ege@servax.bitnet     FAX (305) 348-3549              Miami, FL 33199