Topic: Acquaintances

Author: (Markku Sakkinen)
Date: 5 Apr 92 14:59:27 GMT
Raw View
In article <> writes:
> (Kevin R. Coombes) writes:
>>Has any consideration been given to the possibility of adding a weaker
>>version of friendship to the language? Basically, I'm thinking of a
>>function or class that would be allowed access to protected members
>>but not to private members. From a language design standpoint, this seems
>>reasonable, if only because it would extend the public-protected-private
>>trichotomy to something like general-acquaintance-friend.
>Would something like this suffice:
> class A { int priv; protected: int prot; };
> class Aprot : public A { friend Amunger(); };
>Allowing Amunger to access "prot" ?????

No, he certainly meant:

 class A { protected: int prot; acquaintance void Amunger(); ...

I happened to suggest the same in a manuscript just recently submitted
for publication.  In that context, 'acquaintance' just had already
a somewhat weaker meaning, so I proposed 'comrade' -- not in full earnest.

Don't smell rotten -- avoid a "look and smell" litigation from
Apple Computer.

Markku Sakkinen (
       SAKKINEN@FINJYU.bitnet (alternative network address)
Department of Computer Science and Information Systems
University of Jyvaskyla (a's with umlauts)
PL 35
SF-40351 Jyvaskyla (umlauts again)

Author: (Warwick Allison)
Date: 3 Apr 92 04:28:49 GMT
Raw View (Kevin R. Coombes) writes:

>Has any consideration been given to the possibility of adding a weaker
>version of friendship to the language? Basically, I'm thinking of a
>function or class that would be allowed access to protected members
>but not to private members. From a language design standpoint, this seems
>reasonable, if only because it would extend the public-protected-private
>trichotomy to something like general-acquaintance-friend.

Would something like this suffice:

 class A { int priv; protected: int prot; };
 class Aprot : public A { friend Amunger(); };

Allowing Amunger to access "prot" ?????

(This is stretching my C++ knowledge too far)

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