Topic: AT&T C++ 3.0 name mangling?
Author: (Quentin Barnes)
Date: 21 Apr 92 21:39:37 GMT Raw View
In <> (David S. Masterson) writes:
>Probably a dumb question, but I'll bet people will find it difficult to
>Does anyone know what the upper limit on the length of the uniquely
>identifiable part of the symbol names that AT&T C++ 3.0 generates? Does it
>stay within the (I believe ANSI-C) 31 character limit?
ANSI-C only states that you must support at least 31 significant
initial characters for internal identifiers and 6 for external (
There is no upper limit.
For USL's cfront 3.0.x, you can define a macro called "DENSE" which will
limit it's name mangling algorithm to 31 characters.
>David Masterson Consilium, Inc.
>(415) 691-6311 640 Clyde Ct.
> Mtn. View, CA 94043
>"If you juggle with knives, you're likely to get cut."
>-- Kieran Donegal
Quentin Barnes | ..!uiucuxc!udc!qbarnes