Topic: Wanted - Parallel C++ Compiler.

Author: (Paulo V Rocha)
Date: 2 Mar 92 13:45:34 GMT
Raw View
Can anyone indicate a Parallel C++ Compiler (i.e., for Transputers, or a
network of workstations).

I am aware of that supplied by 3L Limited (Scotland, UK) for the IBM PC and
Inmos B004 Transputer boards. Are there any others? For Suns? Or,
preferably, a compiler supporting various platforms.

Also, is there a source for analysis of these compilers (speed, size of
generated code, etc.)?



Paulo Valverde de L. P. Rocha |
Department of Computer Science|
University College London     |
Gower Street                  |
London WC1E 6BT               |    UUCP:...!mcvax!ukc!ucl-cs!procha
England                       |     tel: +44 (071) 387 7050 x 3719
                              |     fax: +44 (071) 387 1397

Author: (Christoph Strozyk)
Date: 4 Mar 92 12:07:14 GMT
Raw View (Paulo V Rocha) writes:
: Can anyone indicate a Parallel C++ Compiler (i.e., for Transputers, or a
: network of workstations).
: I am aware of that supplied by 3L Limited (Scotland, UK) for the IBM PC and
: Inmos B004 Transputer boards. Are there any others? For Suns? Or,
: preferably, a compiler supporting various platforms.
: Also, is there a source for analysis of these compilers (speed, size of
: generated code, etc.)?

I used the 3L C compiler for some time, my oppinion is that this 3L C
is not C in any way. char [ sizeof(int)] for example does not work, if
you use floats in #define or use some level of #define containing again
#define ... the compiler says Too Complex !, the so called C++ compiler
produces C code for this 3L compiler. Why should it work ?

 - chris
Christoph Strozyk      | 2:245/5800.13
Sprockhoeveler Str. 55 |    Ubbs Beta Test for Europe, 49-2302-25880 voice
5810 Witten, Germany   |    49-2302-57202 Ubbs V21 upto V32bis 24h