Topic: FAQ for this group...
Author: (Sudhir Kolli)
Date: Fri, 6 Mar 1992 06:31:05 GMT Raw View
Is there any FAQ for this group??
If yes, could you please mail me one copy of FAQ?
Thank you very much..
-Sudhir Kolli.
Author: (On Lee)
Date: Sat, 14 Mar 1992 17:17:58 GMT Raw View
>> Is there any FAQ for this group??
Yes, I am looking for FAQ, too.
I am new in this newsgroup.
I am looking for the best solution of the following problem:
If I write a class library in C++, and yet I want to provide
this class library to a C programmer (who has only C compiler).
What is the best way doing it ?
Thank you in advance for your help.
My address is