Topic: Standard for libraries in C++

Author: (Eric.Price)
Date: 21 Nov 91 13:30:25 GMT
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Our group would like to standardize on a C++ class library for
engineering applications. One of the important criteria for selection is
the likely "longevity" of the library, i.e. will it be widely accepted
by the programming community and will it track future releases of C++?

Hence the question: What progress is being made in C++ library
standardization? Is there a schedule? A base document?

I'd also appreciate hearing from anyone whose already been through the
library selection process. Our contenders so far:

    C++ Standard Components Release 2.0  Unix Systems Lab
    C++ Booch Components   Rational
    Tools.h++     Rogue Wave

Thanks in advance,

Eric Price, Software Architect, Computer Aided Design
NCR Microelectronic Products Division
2001 Danfield Court; Ft. Collins, CO 80525
(303) 223-5100 x471; FAX: 226-9556; EMAIL: Eric.Price@FtCollinsCO.NCR.COM