Topic: Are there any books about Borland C++ out there?
Author: (Bengt Pettersson)
Date: 5 Nov 91 15:16:40 GMT Raw View
Is there anyone out there who can recommend a few "GOOD" books
about Borland C++.
I'm interested in the advanced stuff, and some graphical utilities.
Also, using application Framwork or Zinc or another class library
for user input output. Will do an administrativ system....
The few books I have managed to get the title of are:
1 - Murray, William. Borland C++ Handbook.
2 - Faison, Ted. Borland C++ Object-Oriented Programming.
3 - McCord, James. Borland C++ Programmer's guide to Graphics.
4 - McCord, James. Borland C++ Programmer's Reference
5 - Hu, David. Borland C++ text & Graphics Editor Toolbox.
I would also like some comments on the above books, especially
book 1, 2, 4, 5
Thank you very much in advance.
Chalmers | |
University |SNAIL: Bengt Pettersson |
of | Sandeslatt 49 |
Technology | 424 36 Angered, Sweden |